6 The sizes of thesc pools vary a great deal, however, and Table VII indicatcs this as follows: Teble VII ( 128 Schools ) Size of Pool Frequency Size of Pool Frequency OE eo OD cicccvecsssesee & TG & OD scnconnessssaes . OD 0 WD ccsidsccacssese 8 FR me nce cvewacsscee 5 Oh & UD cksasececsvcces A 7G x SO oeevecdasesees 3 O06 & OO ccccssccccesses 4 7 x 60 .ccececvusegee 2 48 x 22 eeeoeoee2eeee 206800 1 80 x 25 erseonveveoe ee Ce 08 1 GO x. DO sceecssccseversee 1 80 = 40 2.060 ebb eee cede 1 OO & BO cosscccsocesees GEE = BG scccecceevesse, 2 60 x 24 Ceoeoceceeeeseeee® 2 88 x 30 eececoserseeeeee 1 60 x 25 eceeeeseeesesoe 4 90 x 30 eceesceeseccoe 1 60 x 30 eeeeeoeeeeeoe 6200 6 90 x 40 @eeeeeeeenee eee 1 60 s 3S @eeeeoveoevees ee oee 1 90 x 60 eeeoeeveeee eee 1 60 x 40 ccovccccesesoce 3 100 x 2D ceeebeewessseoes 1 70 x 25 cesncseueeonees i 100 x 40 eoesecerececeeese 2 OS OO cccscccsceceses 4 100 x BO cccccwsccoses 2 5 & BG ccocvoccesessee 34 100 X BO owscccescecces 2 TE © DD ccnccecseccevee A 150 X 49 wevcccccceccns 1 ON 0 OD cacckcvvecsceas 2 150 x BO ceccovccccccee 2 96 o OO ssctsecsvesives 10 65 KX SB ecocsecesevese 1 TS 2 US ccccevecsesesss 3 WBO X 40 coccceseccesse 2S General Surmery: It seems very probable that in the next few years there will be a great deal riore emphasis on programs of health an¢ physical cducation in the colleges anc universitics thon in the past. It rey be noted thet the me jority of schools con- tactec will require at least tvo ycars, with three periocs per weck of fifty minutes in length. Bighty-five ( 66.5% ) of the 128 schools will offer erecdit toward gracuction for ectivitics in health ane physical ccueation. Seeningly thore will be a better scleection of activitics, anc stress will be placed upon activitics thet cevelop physical and organic strength, aquatic activi- ties, and skills eetivitics. Many schools signify their intentions of doing. sore work of a corrective mitutes Much more stress will be plecedc upon dofinite tests anc standards in the total progrerie