page two Combats. 5. Grecian Wrestle contd. The "Horses" are not allowed to help the "Riders" in eny way not to interfer with each other; their sole duty is to hold the "Riders". The "Riders" are allowed to use any fair wrestling tactics; they are not allowed to touch cach other's "norse." Either "Rider" forced to touch the floor in anyway (either forced down himsolf or overthrown with his "Horse") loses the bout. If the two "Ridors" eo down together, the one touching the floor first loses." 6. HAND PUSH: (Staley's "G_mes, Contests and Relays") "Pisce two contestants so they stend toe-to-toe, fecing each other with fect spreed twenty inches. Have cach raise both hands and place them against the palms of the opponent on «a lovel with the shoulders. At signal cach contestant pushes against tho hands of his opponent, attempting to make his step beck. Either contestant stepping beck loses the bout.” . 7, HAND WRESTIR (Staloy's "Games, Contost and Relays") "Place two contestants so they stand with feot firmly spread in the stride position; each contestant with his right foot forwerd, touching the outside of his opponent's foot, Have the contestants gras». right hands. At signal, cach att@mpts by pulling, pushing, turning and twisting of hands, to overbalance his opponent or compel hin to move either foot from its original position. The Lert hand must not bo used against the opponent. Either contestant forced to touch the ground with cny part of his body other than his feet, or foreed to move o2th., foot loses the bout. If the contestants break their grasp they rejoin hands at once," . 8, TNMDIAN uRSstLas (Staley's “Gcnocs, Contests end Releys") trluce two contestants side by side, lying on their backs, with heads in opposite directions; each contestant's head resting at au »oint just opposite his opponent's buttocks. Have each contestant place his indice arm straight down by his aide with his hand on his opponent's shoulder. lave tie contestants place their outside hands on their hips. At signal, each contestant lifts his inside leg (knee stiff) to a point just beyond the vertical, hooks ankles Wits Wi 6 ok. opponent and attempts to roll his opponent over backward. Either contestant roll- ed backward loses the bout." 9, LAME DUCK FIGHT: (Staley's "Games, Contests and Relays") "'Diece two contestants so they stand fscing each other at a distance of five feet. Have each stand on the right foot wud hold the left foot in front with both hands. At signal, each sontestant attempts through bucking, sidestepping, feinting, and so on to overthrow his opponent or make him release his grasp on the uplifted foot. Hither contestant falling to the floor or releasing either or both hands from the uplifted foot loses the bout," 10, KNEE WRESTLING: ( "s. ab ndboo:: of Stunts") "Place two contestants facing each other, kncel close, arms folded behind the back. At the signal "gol cach attempts to tumble the other over. They may ~.ove around on the knees, using the shoulder and upper arm, in their endeavors to topple each other ovor. The one succeeding within two minutes wins. Should the contest go the full round, it ié declared a drewe VARIATION that can be used =~ Still on thcir knees, as above, except that they join hands, ecch attempting to overturn the othor. The one so doing and retaining his own balance wins.