pege four 20, COLLAR-AND-ELBOW WRESTLING: (Mason and Mitchell "Active Games and Contests") The objent is to meke the opponent touch the gpo.4d with any part of the body other than the feet. The left hand is placed back of the opponen’'s neck and the right hand grasps the opponent's left elbow. The opponent takes the same hold. The feet may be used to trip up the opponent and make him lose his balances 21. RING WRESTIE: (Mason end Mitchell "Active Games and Contests") Draw a ten-foot circle on the floor. Two contestants, «tanding in the circle, attempt to throw each other out. Any tactics are fair except striking blows and unnecessary roughness, When any part of the body crosses the line, the player ié out. 22. WMA.STER-OF-THE-RING: (Mason and Mitchell “Active Games and Contests") This is a mass form of Ring Wrestle. Establish a circle fifteen feet in cta- metor, In the gymnasium the circle around the free-throw line may be used. Twelve or fifteen players stand in the circle. At the signal they all ettemp™: to throw each other out. All tactics are fair except umnecessary roughness. ‘When anv part‘of the body touches the floor across the line the ployer is out and’ leaves the cirele at onec. The player who ceneins in the cirelo when all others are out is the Master of the Ring. ‘ve or three officials schttered around the circle cre needed to spat those who cross the line,