the season for the sport selected, the student must report immediately for another varsity or freshman sport, or select another Physical Education class to receive credit, it being understood that each var- sity athlete be required to offer at least one team and one individual sport in each semester. This | must be shown on his enrollment card. Absences Absences from Physical Education classes will be excused only for physical disability; in such event the student must secure an excuse from the Student Hospital, and present it to the instructor in charge of his Physical Education class. Satis- factory grades in Physical Education will not be given students who acquire unexcused absences totaling more than ten percent of the total num- ber of periods for which the class meets. Physical Examinations Complete physical examinations are given each entering student by the University Student Health Service. The Department of Physical Education reserves the right to restrict the enrollment of students in activities for which their physical- examination record shows they are not fitted. Use of Facilities 1. Receipts for the payment of exercise fees must be presented to the custodian of the equip- ment room in the basement of the gymnasium. Towel tickets are issued and basket assignments are made there. The fee for exercise is $2.25, plus $1 deposit, which is refunded at the end of the semester, provided there has been no loss of’ towels charged against the student.. This fee entitles the student to three towel tickets, or the use of a total of 51 towels.