WESMITH Class Assigment, July 13, 1943 me ie fos TF | Se) Su.) 7330 Wesnith (Nesmith |Nesmith Pesmith [Nemith | ~02P™°F 8:30 V-12 -j-- ---: pm ee oe ee ep Ke Property, Nesmith |Nesmith |Nesmith th th ‘1 9330 [| V-12-|----+: eee ee Training and ani of Injhries ° 10:30 and Progerty Mandgement " 11:30 }! 12:30 - -- |Training} and Treatment of Injuries - - - 1:3 0 Ory be --- Property Management, Football & Basketball Nesmith esmith 2:30 . V-l12 V-12 | Equipe bouip. | ipe } | F 3 230 F.Be BeBe P.B. 1 BeBe F.Be 4:30 FB. B.Be F.B. BeBe F.Be : j FB. B.B. F.B. B.B. F.Be | 5300 Instruction Hours - 12 Training and Treatment of Injuries - 12 Property Management - 30