July, 1943 NESMITH, Dean PERSONNEL PROGRAM Tame a?totment mt 2. Wi + fF + Se ft Gu. | 7350 Equipment 8:30 v-12 Yale 18 12 ¥12 & Property Equipmen‘ , 1} y-22 V-12 V-12 {V-12 V-12 & 9250 Property Tralining end Treatmajt of Injpries : 10230 7 | i and 11:30 Ps Property Management - 12:30 -~- Trbining anf Troetmgat of Injuries -i- -- 1:3 0 and | -<-- Property Managqment, Fodtball & sketbal} 2:30 V=32 FsBe Vel2 FB. F a 3:30 F.Be BeBe P.Bs Buda - oie FB. B.B. F.B. B.B. FB. 4:30 FB. B.B. F.B. B.B. F.Be j ; 5300 - Instruction Hours - 12 Training and Treatment of apivion - 12 Property Management - 50