from the K.U. SPORTS NEWS BUREAU KANSAS UNIVERSITY * LAWRENCE, KANSAS Lawrence, Aug. ~-Ten t thousand man-hours of physical education per vex ts is the assignment for the staff of the department of physical education at che University of Kansas with the installation of the V-12 and A-12 army and navy pro- grams, and the task is being accomplished by a staff of nine. men-~an average of about 1100 man-hours per week for each instructor. This information was revealed today from the office of Dr. Forrest C. "Phog" Allen, chairman of the department of physical education at K. U., and nationally famous basketball coach of the ge Jayhawkers. ) This physical conditioning job-~mostly for the men in service who are © enrolled in specialized training programs on Mt. Oread but also for the civilian student contingent--is carried on in addition to a regular schedule of basketball { } and football practice sessions, as well as a complete intramurals setup, The /' intramurals program is under the direct supervision of Dr. Allen, assisted by Ray i / Kanehl, former director of physical education in Wichita North High. So great is the physical education schedule that the University adminis-— ( tration has had many headaches finding accomodations for the many classes. All of which scheduling had finally resulted in Robinson gymnasium being assigned chiefly ae to naval students and ene Auditorium to the army hopeful. And there are practi- == cally no hours during the day, including the noon hour, in which classes are not going on in both these buildings. hl | While the naval school for machinists' mates provides officers to con- duct its own physical conditioning program, its swimming program is supervised by Ww the University. As a result, since all army and navy men must take swimming, the ey swimming schedule is full from 7:30 in the morning until 8:00 o'clock in the even- ing every day of the week except Sunday. R. R. Strait, graduate of Ottawa Univer- cal education at Chanute High, is in charge of the swimming program. (t ie New filters have been installed in the pool, the pumping capacity doubled, and additional purification facilities added. Samples of the water are sent several times daily to the headquarters of the Water and Sewage Laboratories on the campus, /j the V-le Ue and the findings sent to army, navy and University health authorities. In addition to the swimming programs of the machinists'mates, and A-le students, the natatorial interests of the naval flight cadets and of civil- c ian students, are taken care of. 3 , Crk alia M Marre (more)