THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY Wierch l, 1940 Dear Dr. Allen: The outline of the course in Personal & Voumunity Health, which I promised to send you some uays ago, is attached. In general the lecture headings represent the proportion of time devoted to eacn subject; in most cases they are covered in a vingle hour, although e Tew reyuire two hours or slightly less. I am enclosing two copies of this outline. If you find that _ Some modification ol the proportion of time devoted to certain subjects (either an increase or decreƩse) woula bring the schedule more in line with your conception of the needs of Physical kducation majors, or if some phase of hygiene important to them has been omitted, I will be very glad to consider the appropriate modifications if you would note tnem on tue extra copy. be We. asling