Pebruary 21, 1944. Hiss Ruth Hoover, Department of Physical Education. - Dear Miss Hoover: Referring to our telephone conversation the other day, I did not want you to feel you had done any wrong in following the schedule and allowing the girls to use the swimming pool. I was thinking more of the plans for next semester. It was not my feeling that you had gone over my head in speaking to Dr. Cenuteson, but it was his thought that we were in agree- ment over here as to the use of the pool by the girls. I am only trying to do what seems most important in the war effort, and feel that the 17-year-old boys, civilians, have a greater need of learning to swim than do the girls at this time. Therefore, if Dr. Camrteson rules that the pool may be used by any civilians for next semester, I am of the opinion that these boys who may be called to service whan they — are 18, should be given instruction. I will be happy to disouss it with you any time at your convenienos. I am sorry that I was out of the office when you game over to talk to mo. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physiaal Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.