Official Bulletin Keds Sports Department DIRECTOR NO. 5 PHYSICAL FITNESS *,* = E are a peaceful nation. We don’t like war but it has been thrust on us. We are engaged now in a war for survival, a total war, a war of armies and navies, a war of factories and farms, a war of homes and schools, a war in which each one of us plays a part. Students in our 28,000 high schools are eager to do their share in our march toward victory. Through the High School Victory Corps they are preparing them- selves for duty, if it should come, on the combat fronts and on the production and essential community fronts here at home. This wartime service demands a condi- tion of strength, endurance, stamina, coordination, and agility beyond that ordinarily required for peacetime pursuits. Suggestions for building this winning physical fitness may be found in this booklet. It can be read with benefit by high school coaches and athletic directors in charge of wartime programs of physical education, as well as by students. oe G HIGH SCHOOL VICTORY CORPS Any and all students enrolled in a senior high school with a Victory Corps unit may become general mem- bers by meeting a few simple require- ments. The one standard requirement for all five special divisions is partici- pation in a program of physical fitness. The student is also required to par- ticipate in at least one of these sug- gested Victory Corps activities: Air Warden, firewatcher or other Civilian Defense work; U. S. O. volun- The High School Victory Corps is America’s answer to students who want to serve their country. It is democratic. It is voluntary. And it is making a valuable contribution to the war effort. It is training thousands of high school boys and girls for essential war work. Briefly, it consists of these divisions: 1. Avr Service, as preparation for service as aviation cadets or as aircraft repair or maintenance workers. 2. Land Service, as preparation for some branch of the Army ground forces (infantry, tank corps, artillery, signal corps). 3. Sea Service, as preparation for some branch of Navy or Merchant Marine (other than Naval Aviation). 4. Production Service, as preparation for work in war industry, agriculture, or other essential civilian production jobs. 5. Community Service, as preparation for work in community or other service occupations, such as: teaching, social work, medicine, nursing, dentistry, librarianship, or other profes- sional services; stenographer, typist, bookkeeper, or other commercial services; home-making, child care, home nursing, nutrition, or similar services. teer activities ; Red Cross services; scale model airplane building; health serv- ices; farm aid or other part-time em- ployment to meet manpower shortages ; school-home-community services such as salvage drives, care of small children for working mothers, gardening, book collection, and similar activities. The complete details for installing, organizing, and operating the HSVC program may be found in the special pamphlet being distributed by the U. S. Office of Education. Photo by U.S. Army Signal Corps TUMBLING Tumbling has always been an excel- lent body conditioner and a source of great fun for high school boys. Our armed forces find it useful in get- ting to cover, in leaping from moving trucks and tanks and from fences and walls. Our soldiers find it essential in hand-to-hand fighting and in para- chute training. Here are the basic tumbling stunts, beginning with the simpler move- ments and progressing to the more difficult. Each exercise should always be preceded with a good warm up to stretch the muscles. FORWARD ROLL: Take a low straddle position in front of the mat, 4 leaning forward so that the weight is over the toes and both hands are flat on the mat. Then shift the weight forward on the hands, duck the head and push forward. Land on the back of the neck and shoulders. Keep a tight tuck with the chin on the chest and roll like a ball on the shoulders and back (not on the head). Grab the shins as you go over and rise to a standing position. FOOTBALL SHOULDER ROLL: As you drop to the mat, turn your head and left shoulder to the right, breaking the fall with the left arm, which should be kept relaxed. Land on the back of the left shoulder blade and roll over the back and the buttocks to a stand. For military training, a long stick or wand may be carried in the left hand. DIVE: Lean forward and jump off both feet, throwing the arms forward. Absorb the shock of the fall with the hands and arms. Duck the head and roll on the neck and shoulders. Keep the chin on the chest and the heels close to the buttocks. Grasp the shins, keep the head forward and come up to a stand. In practice, start at low heights. Finish the dive sometimes with a quick roll to the left or perhaps with a shoulder roll as our soldiers do in tumbling into foxholes. BACKWARD ROLL: Stand with the back to the mat; then sit down just behind the heels. Place the hands on the mat at the sides of the buttocks to break the fall. Then quickly place the hands behind the shoulders with the palms up. Tuck the knees close to the chest and roll back. When the weight is felt on the hands, a push will relieve the strain on the neck. Keep pressing and roll over to a landing on the feet. FORWARD ROLL SQUAT HAND BALANCE: Squat, placing the hands on the mat with the fingers forward, palms flat and fingers arched. Rest the knees above the el- bows. Push forward with the toes until the entire weight is on the hands. Bal- ance on the hands, rocking back and forth about ten seconds. JUMP THROUGH: Lie flat on the chest with the legs extended, palms on ground close to the body and the el- bows at right angles. Straighten the arms quickly, at the same time flexing the knees and hips. Sling the feet through the arms to sitting position, legs extended. Absorb any shock with the arms. SIDE ROLL: Run toward the mat and throw yourself sideways as you fall, landing on the left foot and left hand at the same time—the hand ab- sorbing the shock. To avoid injury, turn the elbow and knee in imme- diately. Then, as you roll, turn the shoulder over with the legs extended. BACKWARD ROLL As you roll over to the face again, bring the knees up under the body. HEAD STAND: Imagine a triangle on the mat. Place the forehead on the far angle and the hands on the two near angles. Now walk up close to your hands (raising the hips) . Keep the back straight. Raise the legs one after the other to an inverted position. Lean the weight slightly toward the hands, keeping the body arched with the legs together and toes pointed. HAND STAND: Lean over from the hips, placing the hands on the mat with the shoulders well ahead of them. Look straight ahead, always keeping the head up. Now raise the legs one after the other to the stand position. If you feel yourself going over too far, press down with the fingertips and raise your head. If the body falls back toward the starting position, drop to the heels of the hands, bend the elbows and lower the head. Once the hand balance is attained, make sure to hold a good arch. Keep the feet together, the toes pointed and the head up. DIVE AND ROLL: How football players and soldiers toughen up. Note how the diver breaks his fall with the hands, rolls over on his shoulders and back and comes right up to his feet— ready for action! JUMP AND ROLL: A popular event on the obstacle course program. The parachuter leaps from a beam high into the air. Upon landing he goes im- mediately into a forward roll and comes to his feet. CHEST ROLL: Go into a hand stand, hold it a moment or two, then lower your weight slowly with the arms. Keep your chin up and inch the chest forward slightly. Come down on your chest and roll down, holding the arch until your toes touch the ground. As a variation, rock forward and backward after the landing. CARTWHEEL: Learn this stunt from a short run. As you reach the mat, place your right hand on it and kick up with your left leg, turning sideways as you kick. Make your arms and legs resemble the spokes of a wheel, and keep turning. Make sure you travel in a straight line. Keep the back arched, the head well up, and the hips straight. Upon landing, your side, not your front, should be toward the mat. If you intend doing a series of cartwheels, whip the arms and legs over fast to pick up speed. If you want to know how valuable this basic training on rolls, dives and balances can be, a visit to the local newsreel theatre will prove illuminat- DIVE AND ROLL ing. You'll see soldiers rolling into fox- holes, diving over ditches, etc. The parachute landing is nothing but a backward roll. The jumper, as he approaches the ground, grasps the shrouds with both hands and gives a mighty tug upward (chinning). He lands with equal force on the balls of both feet and pivots in the direction of the wind. The knees give naturally, the body assuming a squat position over the buttocks. The lander continues his rolling motion with a backward roll and ends up by scrambling to his feet. JUMP AND ROLL HIGH JUMP JUMPING Jumping of all types is important from a military point of view because it develops agility, leg muscles, coor- dination, and confidence. The niceties of form are not too carefully observed in the Army and Navy conditioning program. But for practice in the gym and on the athletic field, it pays to jump with proper form. Good form adds distance or height, and better conditions the body. Thus, under military conditions, it produces superior performance. HIGH JUMP (Western Roll): Be- BROAD JUMP cause the Western Roll allows for a low center of gravity, it is generally considered the most efficient style of jumping. The start is from either side and from a point 25 to 40 feet from the bar. Most western rollers approach the bar at a lope, with a speed up on the last four strides. They hit down hard with the near leg at a point two to four feet in front of the bar. The other leg is thrown vigorously forward and upward, with the arms aiding the lift. When the left leg is well on its way up, the right knee is straightened and rocks up completely on the toe. At the highest point of the jump the left leg is straight and the right is bent so that the thigh is parallel to the bar. This is known as the layout. The body rolls over as the bar is crossed and falls to the ground with the head lower than the hips and facing the pit. BROAD JUMP: No jumper should begin practicing this event until his legs are in shape to carry him full speed for 100 yards without tiring. Our top-flight broad jumpers take a 60 to 90 foot run at top speed. Speed is essential to gain maximum velocity. They hit the takeoff board forcibly with the foot that is most comfortable for them (in this case, it’s the right). The other leg then drives up and is thrust forward as high and as powerfully as possible. As the jumper floats through the air, the head is erect and the arms aid in keeping the body erect. The trailing arm comes forward as the jumper starts dropping into the pit, and the legs come together. The weight is shifted ahead of the feet, to avoid falling backward in the landing. Note how both legs are stretched fully for- ward with the feet together, giving the jumper every possible inch of distance. There is another type of footwork known as the hitch-kick. In this, the jumper keeps kicking his feet as he floats through the air (“running in air RUNNING Running develops endurance and all-around strength, both of which are prime objects in military training. In reality, there are two types of running —sprinting and distance running. Both are important and neither need dis- place the other. SPRINTING: Most sprinters dig their holes about 15 and 34 inches from the starting line. Thus, in taking their marks, the knee of their back leg is Opposite the ankle of the front mem- ber. The feet are about two inches apart and the hands just back of the line. The body is relaxed with most of the weight over the right knee, which is resting on the ground. On “get set’, the hips are raised into starting position, and the weight thrown forward on the feet and hands. On the gun, the right knee is raised and the foot drives hard against the back wall of the rear hole. At the same time, the opposite arm (left) is driven forward and the other arm thrust back. The shoulders are raised higher than the hips, and the body is kept low. The right foot strikes the ground about 18-28 inches in front of the starting line. This is the shortest step of the race. It is not until after the first four steps that the sprinter brings his body up to the normal running angle. While striding, the body is kept at an angle of about 25 degrees. The toes point straight ahead, the head is held naturally, and the trunk is kept straight. The arms pump from the shoulders with little movement in the elbows, which are held at a 45-degree angle. The hands keep moving close and par- allel to the hips. There are several distinct ways of finishing a dash. One method calls for throwing the hands up over the head. Another and probably superior way is to hit the tape by turning the shoulder into it. A third technique, called the Drew Style, is to extend the arms for- ward as the tape is reached. Some run- ners jump at the finish, but this is not recommended. DISTANCE RUNNING: The quar- termiler uses the same start as sprinters, because of the resemblance of his race to the dash. He runs with a long, springy stride and with a more relaxed arm carriage than sprinters. The knees are drawn up well and the running is done more on the lower ball of the feet. Because it is impossible to run more than 300 yards at top speed, the quar- termiler must slow down a little some- where in the race into a free, relaxed SPRINT START AND STRIDE stride that permits easy breathing. In the half mile it is usually neces- sary to sprint about 50 yards to obtain a favorable starting position; so the sprinting start is used here also. The halfmiler carries his body straighter than the sprinter’s and holds his arms loosely. The actual running is on the ball of the foot. The arms are carried lower than in the quartermile and the breath- ing is more regular. For long-distance running, the body lean is only slight. The runner uses a low gliding action and breathes deeply and evenly through both the mouth and the nose. Most of the strategy in running is reserved for the distance runs. This strategy is developed mainly from a careful study of pace. Glenn Cunningham and Paavo Nur- mi carried stop-watches in their heads. STRIDE FOR DISTANCE ROPE CLIMB Ordinarily the rope climb presents an exceptionally good means of de- veloping agility and strengthening the arms and shoulders. In time of war this training is doubly valuable. The ability to climb a rope comes in handy on both land and sea. Reaching stra- tegic spots in trees and on cliffs, and emergencies on ship are some of the situations which call for skill in climb- ing a rope. In learning the technique, reach up and grasp the rope at a comfortable reach. Keep the left leg behind the rope and the right leg in front. The secret of good climbing lies in — clinching the rope with the knees and 12 holding fast with the legs and feet. To ascend, place one hand over the other, lifting with the arms and raising the knees. Always straighten the hips be- fore reaching with the hands. A word of caution as to the descent: Never slide down with the hands. Severe burns are the result. The de- scent is like the ascent, but in reverse. Or the climber may slide his legs down, while moving hand under hand. A good exercise on the rope is climb- ing without use of the legs. Maintain- ing a rhythmical movement of the body will help you ascend easily. To test your knee grip, jump to a clinging position and release your hands. Continue this exercise by climbing up and down. Photo by U.S. Army Signal Corps MILITARY TRACK Such activities as running, jump- ing, vaulting, climbing, and crawling should be practiced in school and after school as a means of developing strength, stamina, and self-confidence. The military track program offers an enjoyable medium for incorporating all these activities. The program should include events of practical military use- fulness. For example, soldiers are sel- dom called upon to throw a 12-pound object. But they do throw 20-ounce grenades. So for military track, a throw with a 20-ounce object will be more practical than the 12-pound shotput. A good six-event program may con- sist of these events: 1. 100-Yard Dash. 2. 440-Yard Run. 3. Broad Jump. 4. High Jump. 5. 20-Ounce Hand Grenade Throw. 6. Obstacle Race. The technique of the regular track events (Nos. 1-4) are described on pages 8 through 11. The grenade throw is analyzed here. The obstacle race is a wonderful con- ditioner and provides plenty of fun at the same time. If your school has a 440-yard track, the course may be laid out around the entire lap. In the dia- gram, the turns have not been utilized for obstacles. But there is no reason why several of the obstacles may not be set up on them. Schools with limited space may set up an obstacle course on any 100-yard flat surface. Suggested obstacles and relative distancing, as shown in the dia- gram following on page 17. 15 STORAGE TANKS FLYERS’ Where KEDS Fabries. - rs Rubber and Craftsmanship ) : ST ; ir ‘BULLET-SEALING ~ UEL CELLS — FIRE-FIGHTING SUITS “TANK GUN SIGHTS These are just a few of the many War | CRASH — Products now being manufactured from | PADDING the rubber and fabric that formerly went | . into Keds. The same skilled workmen who made Keds before the war are now turning out this vital equipment. | 16 GRENADE THROW 100-YARD COURSE 1. From the starting line, run 30 feet and hurdle a 214 foot barrier. This may be a fixed rail or a movable hurdle. 2. Run 30 feet and vault a 4 foot fence. 3. Run 18 feet and weave in and out of four posts. Use four fixed posts, rounded at the top, 3 feet high, placed at 6 foot intervals. 4. Run 30 feet and scale an 8 foot wall. 5. Run 25 feet, fall or dive to ground and roll under a rope stretched two feet above the ground. 6. Run 30 feet and jump or leap an 8 foot ditch. 7. Run 30 feet, mount and run over three balance platforms. Use two 12 foot platforms and one 4 foot plat- form, 1 foot wide and 2 feet high. 8. Run 25 feet, mount, run up ramp, and jump to ground. This may be a 12 foot plank, 1 foot wide, supported on the ground at the near end and inclined upward to a 4 foot height at the far end. 9. Run through to the finish line. 440-YARD COURSE 1. Climb Ladder, 14 feet high, go up, over and down. 2. Hand walk (Parallel Bars), 5 feet long, 4 feet 6 inches high, 22 inches apart. 3. Balance Beams, 2 feet high, 30 feet long, 4 inches wide. 4. Dodging Posts (padded), 4 feet 6 inches long, 6 feet apart. (Continued on page 18) 4 Y Crouching Cage 4’ high, 20° long z F z 45’ = Vaulting Fence 4° high C Hurdling Wall, 2’6” wide, b 3° high ! 8 \ ! CG, SV ; “A wv { ] Teas | i 5 | 1 ’ 4 ' z Vad 2 2 Al i | M4 SST 1 { | | | i | 100 Yard Obstacle Course Balance Beams 2’ high, 30‘ long, 4” wide il i & = 3 \ 17 5. Hurdling Wall, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 3 feet high. 6. Scaling Wall, 7 feet high, with sand and sawdust pit. 7. Crouching Cage, 4 feet high, 20 feet long. 8. Broad Jump Pit, 12 feet. 9. Vaulting Fence, 4 feet high. GRENADE THROW: As shown in the pictures on page 16, the grenade throw is a combination of a shot-put and a catcher’s peg. Bring the right arm up until the elbow is on line with the shoulder. Keep the palm up, close to or touching the shoulder. At the same time extend the left arm, palm down and pointing toward the target. The weight is on the right foot, while the eyes sight along the left arm. Throw the right arm upwards, as in shot-putting, but straighten it out and follow through as you would in throwing a baseball. HURDLING: In the pictures below, the athlete is taking a low hurdle. The idea is to hurdle the obstacle with as little break in the stride as possible. This the hurdler does very nicely. He makes perfect use of his arms and legs. As his left leg goes over the barrier, his right arm is thrust forward. But as soon as the lead leg is whipped down, as shown in the last picture, the right arm starts going back and the other arm forward. This is the type of arm-work used in ordinary walking — opposite arm and leg always forward. There are several points worthy of attention: Note that the leg is not kept stiff as it is thrust over the hurdle, but is slightly flexed and that there is no ex- aggerated body lean. The head is up and the body angled forward as in sprinting. START ACHIEVEMENT TESTS Achievement Tests serve several val- uable purposes. They stimulate the boys and give them an opportunity to see how they rate with the rest of the class. And, for the instructor, they pro- vide a check on his own instruction as well as an opportunity to determine the progress of his class. The 10 tests selected here index the strength of (1) the arm and shoulder girdle, (2) the abdomen and back, and (3) the legs. Test Army Minimum Ps 6) oo ree not given PUGLIPS coat canes 6 Dips on Parallels. no: not given Jip. and, Reach=....-.4,0c..4. 13 in. Rope Climb: (20. ft) 20:03...c2. 20 sec. Standing Broad Jump.................. 6 ft. Running Broad Jump.................. 12: ft. Running High Jump............ >..ft: 9 10. bOOv Yard? Dashio oun eek ae 14 sec. AAO-V ard Ruths ts). 20 etc 87 sec. With the exception of the first four tests, these activities are described else- where in this book. The first four should be given as follows: Push-Up: From standing position, place hands on floor and extend legs backward, feet together, back and arms straight with weight supported on hands and toes. Lower body by flexing arms until chest nearly touches floor. Then raise body to starting position. Do as many dips as possible without rest. Pull-Up: Hang on horizontal bar with arms and legs fully extended, using any grip. From this position, flex arms keeping knees straight, until chin touches top of bar. Then lower body to original position. Repeat as many times as possible. _ Dip on Parallel Bars: Adjust par- allel bars to width of chest and above shoulder height. Jump to a support po- sition, arms straight. From this posi- tion, flex arms, lowering body until arms are fully bent; then extend arms to original position. Jump and Reach: Stand with feet close together, heels and toes on ground. Stretch both arms overhead, fingers extended. Measure this height. Then jump straight up, reaching as high as possible. Measure this height, also. The difference between these meas- urements gives the jump-and-reach score. HOW TO CLASSIFY Boys in high school differ greatly in age, height, and weight. These factors tend to favor or handicap them in ath- letic performance. To classify boys ac- cording to only one of these factors is less fair than to take all three factors into consideration. For this reason, the following plan should be used to classify the boys be- fore the achievement tests are given: Determine for each boy his age in years and months (to the nearest month), his height (to the nearest half inch), and his weight (to the nearest pound). Use any method that will save time and furnish fairly accurate meas- urements. 19 After these measurements have been secured, refer to the table for classifica- tion. For example, a boy’s age is 14 years and 10 months, his height 6114 inches, and his weight 136 pounds. The exponent for 14 years and 10 months is 30; the exponent for 6114 inches is 29, and the exponent for 136 pounds is 22. The sum of these ex- ponents (30, 29, 22) total 81. We find from the table that the boy is in Class C, and is expected to meet the standards listed for his class on fol- lowing page. The sample individual record chart on page 22 provides for three separate testings during the school year. A com- parison of the records will indicate the progress being made. The exponents for age, height, and weight may be found by consulting the Classification Scales. These are added and the Class recorded. The column headed “Score” refers to achievement or T scores, a system of evaluating different types of tests on the same basis. Where these scales are not available, the “Score” column may be omitted. Column “‘r’ refers to rating: Fair, Good, and Excellent, as found in the chart on Standards. Exp. Age Height | Weight || Exp. Age Height | Weight 9 53-59 || 24 | 11:9-12:2 | 494-51, | 147-153 10 60-65 25) 123-1238. 52-538 | |.154-159 11 66-71 26. |12:9-13:2.|)...54 =555_ | 160-165 12 72-78 27; (133-138 | 56-576 1166-171 13 79-84 28 | 13:9-14:2 | 58 -593 | 172-178 14 85-90 29 | 14:3-14:8 | 60-62 | 179-184 15 91-96 30 | 14:9-15:2 | 623-64 | 185-190 16 97-103 || 31 | 15:3-15:8 | 643-66 191 up 17 104-109 |} 32 | 15:9-16:2 | 664-68 18 110-115 || 33 | 16:3-16:8 | 683-703 19 116-121 || 34 | 169-17:2 | 71-723 20 122-128 || 35. | 17:3-17:8 | ‘73-743 28 129-134 || 36 | 17:9-18:2 | 75 up 22 | 10:9-11:2 | 47 down | 135-140 || 37 | 18:3-18:8 23 | 11:3-11:8 | 473-49 141-146 || 38 | 18:9-19:2 Cozens, Frederick W.; Trieb, Martin H.; and Neilson, N. P.; Physical Education Achievement Scales for Boys in Secondary Schools, (A. S. Barnes & Co., 1936) 20 Exponent Value (Sum) 69 and below 70-74 75-78 79-82 83-87 88 and over TABLE OF STANDARDS x A lis be ee UO a = RATING BY E ca a Ee a = a Z CLASS Oly eh) eo 4.) @ 5 ee z Bihari ecah sak a ° fa ae ) a Chie O oe Qe cesta a ey oO Ps Bl Sibi re cS be Ge ee aS A A, Q aa = n [a pS = Superior 441 OTe 2t 6.6 | 22.5 | 9-8 20-9 5-6 1057) 54: 7 Excellent 550 17-7 46 829 20) 8-11 | 18-8 5-l LT 471-596 As Good 20 9 8 12762116. 7-74 | 15-1 4-6 1225 3.:G707 Fair +5 5 4G et 12. 6-44 | 11-7 5—10 413-7 475.8 Poor 8 3 La k8s6 Tae 9-5 Sa] 14.3 | 80.7 Superior 42 | 20 | 19 7.6 | 21.5 | 8-103) 19-5 5-4 10.9 | 56.5 Excellent Sait LO ae 9.9 1.19: 8-24 | 17-6 4=1T I T26. 61.3 Bs Good 18 8 LV ARB Bs 7-05 | 14-2 4-4 12.7.1: 69.5 Fair 11 4 54-477 Al: 5-11 | 10-11 | 3-8 13..8-}-77:.6 | Poor Tee 2 O 1:20-0:12 OS ere | eee | Se ap a eS (Superior 40/19/16] 8.4] 21. | &4i]180 | 5-2 | 11.1 | 58.2 Excellent 30) 14 22" 10-94-18 5427-9 16-2 4-9 17 -81..632.0 Cs Good 16 7 5 | 14.9 | 14. 6-83 | 13-1 4-2 12.91 fie 2 Fair 9 3 I 1976) 10: 5-8 10-0 3-6 P44 793 | Poor 5 1 O21 4 1351. 5-03 8-2 3-2 14.7 | 84.2 Superior 39.471 4 8.9 | 20.5 | 8-2 16-10 | 5-0 14.5960. 3 Excellent 30 |: 45 40.) 41-4. 1S; 7-63 | 15-2 4-7 12D TY i D< Good 15 6 3°} 15.6.1 13.5') 6-6 12-4 4-0 49 3 Jot Fair 81 24.0) 19:8 |. 9.5) S55)? G6 | Sa or 14 4 84 Poor 4 0 0: 2): 35 de 4-10 7-10 | 3-0 f5.2 1 903 Superior 36.1 16 2 a 8-03 | 16-0 4-10 | 11.9 | 62.4 Excellent 29 Ad 17.9} 17.5 | 7-5 14-5 4-5 12.6°) 6/53 E< Good 14 5 16032 85: 6-44 | 11-9 Se lO 1-837 504 Fair 7 1 20.6 9. 5-4 9-1 3-2 14.9 | 83.5 Poor 170 23.2 | 6.5 | 483 | 7-6 | 2-10 | 15.5 | 88.4 Superior 38 | 14 958: 19.5 TLE ys 4-8 $2.5 3164.5 Excellent 29 | 10 12.5}17. | 7-33 | 13-9 | 43 | 13-2 | 69.4 F< Good 14| 4 17.0 | 12.5-| 63 11-3 3-8 ee TES Fair 7 0 21°5 8.5.1 5-25 8-9 3-0 155. 405757 Poor 5 0 24.2 6: 4-7 753 2-8 167d 90-5 ACHIEVEMENT TESTS Personal Record Chart Name Date oF Birth School City Test 1 2 3 Record—Exponent R Exp. R Exp. R Exp Age 1440°|-30 Height 61% 29 Weight 136 22 Sum of Exp. 81 Class Cc Date of Test April 1943 October 1943 February 1944 Events Rec. |Score| r_ || Rec. |Score| r_ jj Rec. |Score| r Push-Ups 16 G Pull-Ups 3 F Dips on Parallels 5 G Rope Climb 14.9 G Jump-Reach 18.5 E Stand. Broad Jump 5-8 F Run. Broad Jump 13-1 G . High Jump 4-9 E 100-yard Dash 11.8 E is 440-yard Run 79.3 i Total Score Average Ze ROUGH AND TUMBLE COMBATIVES A knowledge of rough and tumble tactics is indispensable in protecting yourself against a stronger opponent. The pictures show how it is possible to trap an opponent into using his strength to bring about his own down- fall. These counters are simple. They can be grasped in a few minutes and mastered in half an hour’s practice with a friend. ILLUSTRATION 1 The first picture illustrates a good counter for a punch. Let us say an op- ponent facing you swings with his right arm. The first thing to do is duck. Then grasp his nearest ankle and throw him backward by lifting his leg as high as possible. Another good defense, as shown in the second picture, is to sidestep your man, grab his wrist with your right hand and swivel around in back of him, at the same time twisting his wrist and grabbing his upper arm with your left hand. The combination of the twist and the pressure on his upper arm keeps his arm rigid and thus renders him helpless. ILLUSTRATION 2 Now let us assume the opponent grabs you in a headlock (third picture). The counter is simple. Throw your arms around him, put one leg behind his leg and turn in towards him as much as you can. Lift, push and over he goes. To bring a man down from the front, you can use a leg dive. Feint, to bring up his guard, then suddenly drop down and grab him around the legs, just above the knees. Pull his legs to- gether and toward you, at the same time driving your shoulder into his middle. Use short digging steps, keep- ing the feet well spread for balance. ILLUSTRATION 3 ce PERSONAL HEALTH CHART NAME AGE CLASS__.___ADDRESS HISTORY (Give dates and after-effects) 1. Measles 7. Tuberculosis 2. Diphtheria. 8. Whooping Cough. 3. Scarlet Fever 9. Typhoid 4. Mumps 10. Rheumatism 5. Pneumonia 11. Influenza 6. Infantile Paralysis Operations MEDICAL EXAMINATION Normal (./) Part Defect OO) Nature of Defect | Treatment Suggested Eyes Ears Nose Throat Teeth | Thyroid Heart | Lungs Abdomen Posture Skin } Peet Hernia Nutrition Ht. Wet. (Circle) Normal Overweight Underweight OBSERVATION EXAMINATION BY TEACHER OR NURSE Teeth (Dental blank observed) ______- _—s-— Hit. Wt. Vision: Without Glasses Ru Ls Posture With (Grasses Ry eet Hearing (Audiometer) Bowels Frequent Colds—Sore Throats___.___-__..... Headaches Skin (Clean—Erupted) Mental Health Glandular Disturbances 24 KEEP FIT 1. Make sure to get from eight to ten hours sleep every night. Sleep in a quiet, well-ventilated room. 2. Eat well-balanced meals. Meats, eggs, fish are tissue builders. Sugar, whole gtain cereals, starches produce energy. Butter, oils, and meat fats are heat producing foods. Vitamins and minerals are contained in abundant quantities in fruits, vegetables, meat, and milk. 3. Brush the teeth at least twice a day. 4. Wash hands and face frequently. Shower or bathe every day, especially during warm weather. 5. Maintain good posture when walking or sitting. Keep the back straight, stomach and head up. Avoid exaggerated postures. 6. Change underwear, shirt, and socks as often as possible; don’t share a towel with others. 7. Drink plenty of water, but use it sparingly during exercise periods. 8. Before exercise, eat only light, easily digested food, if any. After exercise, do not eat a hearty meal within 30 minutes. 9. In cold weather, dry your hair carefully before going out of doors. 10. Cover mouth when sneezing or yawning. 11. Eat meals at regular hours. Don’t stuff yourself. It is better to go away feeling slightly hungry. Come to the table well rested. 12. In exercising, be careful not to push yourself beyond your capacity. 13. Always walk with the toes pointed directly forward. 14. While studying, reading or writing, make sure the light comes from over your shoulder. 15. Change your handkerchief every day. 16. After an injury, see a doctor immediately. py Keds are now being made only for the [Neate teed Therefore, safeguard the wear left in bat mC Col de col now own. Le - S KEDS SPORTS DEPARTMENT i THE ABOVE MESSAGE IS AVAILABLE TO SCHOOLS IN A COLORFUL WALL POSTER, FREE oe UPON REQUEST TO KEDS SPORTS DEPARTMENT, 1230 SIXTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY 27 | | | i Keds Sports Department United States Rubber Company 1230 Sixth Avenue . New York, N. Y. Form No. F-43-17 Printed in U.S.A. A TEN THOUSAND MAN HOURS PER WEEK OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Ten thousand man hours plus per week of physical education sounds rather impressive, ~- and so it ise At’ the peak of the war effort on Mount Oread, the University's Department of Physical Education did a Heroulean jobe Twenty-five hundred hours per week for the Navy V-l2, forty-two hundred hours per week for the Army Specialized Training Program, nine hundred hours per sail each for civilian students, and Nevy Ve5 fliers, and approximately fifteen hundred hours per week for machinists! mates = totalling ten tiousand hours per week. Of course, the physical conditioning was only one of the integral parts of the education these men were getting, but physical fitness has long been one of the imperative needs of a first class fighting man. And with the American armed forces the finest in ‘es world; the emphasis upon physical education is paramount. What a ssihicdeiiocnaiatin has taken place here on Mount Oread since Pearl Harbor’! During all these months the physical training plant of the Univ- ersity of Kansas has been a beehive of activity, with full use from early morning until late in the evening of Robinson Gymnasium, Hooh Auditorium, Memorial Stadium, the drill hall of the Military Science Building, the intramural fields, and nearby tracts used for playfields. In the fall of 1942 the University adopted a plen of compulsory physical gonditioning for all men registered for induction and for all men enlisted in any of the ened services or reserve progeams. Through the fareseeing eye of Chancellor Malott who early in the game visited Washington and got first hand information on the Army ‘inl Navy needs, the University began to recruit outstanding men in physical education to carry on the very important work the government was asking of her educational institutions. ele By the summer of 1943 ten thousand manehours of physical education — per week was the assigrmment for the staff of the Departuent _ Physical Education = and the task was iene linhed by a staff of oe men = an “average of eleven hundred man how's per week for each pubes Fortunately, we had in our employ two outstanding teachers - Henry Shenk and Reginald Strait. Henry Shenk, a graduate of the University of Kansas, came to us orem Junetion City, Kansas, where he was coach and director of physical education for the Junetion City schools. Shenk's chief enbhidote load is in the Navy V-l12 program, but he has also taken over the duties of varsity football coach which he has done with signal SUCCESS « Reginald Strait, in charge of the Ve5 Naval aviation Cadets physical training progran, as director of physical éducation for the Chanute, Kansas, eity schools when we secured his services after Dre Ee Re Blbel left the department for military service. Ray Kanehl, another Kansas graduate, who was head of the department of physical education at Wichita Rast High School, came to us in July, with an outstanding record as administrator, teacher and coache In . addition to his @eaching duties in the V-12 ‘renee he is coordinator and scheduleemaker of the siren groups, and also varsity track coach. Dean Nesmith, a former Kansas football star, and trainor of athletic teams at the University, is our other civilian instructor in the V#l2 program. Now for the physical instructors handling the ASTP physical. trainings Howard Porter, a graduate of Kansas City University and the University of | Missouri, and former physical education teacher at Argentine High School in - Kansas City, joined our staff in August, and was placed in charge of the physical conditioning for this groupe Vernon Hayes, a Washburn University graduate, was teaching at Waterville, Kansas, when he was asked to join our staff, Elmer Schaake, one of Kansas’ immortals in football, former coach Se at Bethany College and Lawrence Memorial High School, is the only one of these four men vemeining on the staff at the present time, due to the our- tadiment of the Army Specialized fraining Programe Jack Austin, a former Emporia State Teachers College footbal2 star, was at the University = on his doctorate, when we asked him t assist in this important Or . conditioning of the Army Trainees. The scheduling of so many classes throughout so many hours of the day . created a problem to find accommodations for everyone, yet I believe we worked out a program that was wihentty satisfactory to‘all groupBe Ray Kanehl was appointed as eoordinator of ieee and schedules for the | various service groupse All ‘Yel2 classes were scheduled +o meet in Robinson Gymnasiua from 8:30 in the morning through 4:30 in the afternoon five days aweek. The Ved Svninaes meet for an hour ‘enn @ half each day for their physical training = 10:30 to 12, and -5 to 6:30 - and all of these had to fit into the schedule without overlapping some other class. The ASTP program calls for six heave ‘per week of physical conditioning, These classes meet three times a week for twoehour periods, and before the enrolinent in the unit was curtailed, these classes met in Hoch Auditorium on both the main floor and the stage, and aise in the drill hall of the new Military Seience Building. Physical Conditioning classes for all civilian sieabunte (men) were held in the west stadiun. A 650-yard obstacle course on the south slppe of Mount dread is steel to none in this seotion of the country. This course consists of _ Walls to climb, a “hogehouse" to d imb over, a trough to run through, hurdles and vaults, hand-overshand beams, ropeeswing over water, balance bonnes @& maze, & bear ae. water jumps, and ropes over Wel1se All of the students - vee, fliers, Army and Navy trainees, use the obstacle course regularly. It comes closer to conditioning men for war skills and combat than most any other piece of copies in the conditioning programe Running is one of the best leg and wind conditioners. In obstacle course running men must progress over, ee. around, and through obstacles placed in their way, and these obstacles are er to inoluse activities ree quiring use of arms as well as as legs. A full intramural program has been oarried out for each sport in season: touch football, basketball, volleyball, softball, tennis, handball, horseshoes, and so forth, The intramural fields south of Robinson Gymnasium are in use every afternoon from 4:50 to 6:30 or later, and the practice ; fields at the stadiun are used every morning and afternoon. , _ While the naval school for machinists ' mates (later eloctrioians' ies provides officers to conduct its own physical abhi ) Start 2roum full erm extension. (c¢) Pull up until chin is evor with ov abcve the bar. (d) Return to full arm extension. (a) Allow no swing. Bazis fo: s coring. Total nutber of complete movements, Bs Rope ?Jint, Equipecas. ‘a) one end onéshalf inch rope, at least fifteen feet in lerztl.. (b) Ropu hung with knot on lower end 18 inches from ground, (ce) Markings of paint or adhesive plaster at one foot intervals on rope. Metho:. (a) Start climb from sitting position, legs parallel to the ground. Hand grip on rope below line of chin. (b) Start climb on signal, feet not touching ground. (c) Legs may be used in climb. (d) Time interval + ten seconds. Basis for scoring, Greatest height as measured by position of lower hand « Gurren IIe Ae Be Push-ups (parallel bars) Equipment. Parallel bars or similar suitable oquipment. Method. (a) Start from a straight arm position. (b) Lower body to full arm bend. (ce) Push up to straight arm position. Basis for scoring. Number of complete movements, Floor Dips. Equipment. None. Method. (a) Start - full arm extension, legs extended, body straight. (b) Bend arms, touching only chin to ground, body straight. {c) Straighton arms, keeping body straight. Basis for scoring. Total number of complete movements. III. Coordination Run. : | | Equipment. (for each contestant). (a) Ton 1 ine x 10 in. x 12 in. boards or two 5 ft. x 10 in. boards. If the 5 ft. boards are used, oach should be mrked off in B2 in. sections. (b) Ten 2 in. x 2 in. wooden blocks, The 10 in. x 12 in. boards are placed end to end--five at the right and five at the left of the center mark. The distance from near-~ ost edge of cach inside board to conter mrk is 12-1/2 ft. (sce diagram). Time -- 15 seconds, ig 25° >I ™ AT De yet A yrs (Tel 719 | Ve fethod. (a) Start at center mark with one block in hand. Remaining blocks are placed on center mark. (b) At starting signal, run cither to right or left (at own choice), place the block on one of the inside boards. {c) Return to the center mark, secure another block and place it upon the opposite inside board. (d) Continuc this process, placing blocks alternatoly on boards, on opposite side of center mark until time is called. Sach block must be placed in progressive order, starting with the inside board (or section) and continuing outward, If the rumer has a bloek in his hand when timo is called, he shall be allowed to count it. Example (see diagram)--Runner starts at center mark, runs to rt.,places e. block on #1 board (or section), returns to conter;secures another block; places it on 772 board (or scoetion). Next block is placed upon i$3 board (or section), ete. Basis of scoring. Number of blocks placed upon boards. Ae Standing Broad Jump. Equipment. Take-off line and measuring lincs, First line 4'8" from take-off line. Markers containing distances in fect and inches my be placed at one side of the pit. Markers containing number of points at cach interval may be placed at opposite side of pit. Use a straight stick to place across pit to determine measurement of each jump, Gefe, in (a) diagram, place stick across at 6'8" and 50=point mark if in front of 6'8" mark and behind 6*11" mark, record jump 6'8", Marks should be made at 3"-intervals up to and including 912", Six-inch intervals may be used (sec diagram). Method. (a) Start with toes behind take-off line. (b) Jump must be con- tinuous after feet first leave ground. (c) Measure from mark Ze farthest back toward take-off line. (Any part of body touching ground). (d) Point of measurement is the line immediately behind area which includes back mark. Basis for scoring. Greatest distance attained in oither of two trials. STANDING BROAD JUMP Position of feet at take-off cn non @ @ eG Ow aN Yt oo ee ee ~— adi “- = ~~ = — Cd = ee ae os = ad -< - al “ee on - nm om m te He pl (Wh UVa Oe S Bl A ) y : Be , Sa, o Lg vA “/ t Vy} Fy Non ral 7 VAAN i\Vihz. Ky | Ch AY) tot ‘sy wt ee ‘ rg r | ey | | | | ' : | a > ee mw te ec aonen ef & aoe oe He et ow me GP 2 eH Shem eeemouao o © Ss 2G © @ (a) Credit for 6'8" jump--50 points, (b) Credit for 7'5" jump--65 points, B. Three Broad Jumps (Standing Start). Equipment. Take-off line and measuring lines, First line - 13 ft, from take-off line and others at one-foot intervals up to and in- cluding 23'6" and then 6"-intervals up to and including 26'6", Point of measurement is the line immediately behind area which in- eludes beck mark. Method. (a) Start-standing position. (%) Jump. must be continuous after first jump is started. (c) Foet must be kept parallel and conte.ct the ground simultaneously. Point of moasurement is the line imaediately behind area which contains back mark. Basis for scoring. Greatest distance attained in either of two trials, THREE BROAD JUMPS (STANDING START) Position of fect at take-off sw «© © ON ww DWH 9 ~ <= -o > - <0 «ff ~~ oe ~ ~- ~< - e rt - ~ Oo o a oO ] i 3 = = = : ; 2 = -" “ j ; - % a] aa ‘ i , | & ote = . 7 , r . j { — hl ‘. 1 i] Ge) 2 ji Se wa i Bee a es 3 ‘ Hy a} age e = o i 4 ae YW ¢ i ie : j ; | . , | a ! t : 4 Si ssnninly oo a ~ ww wo & & Hee Se Oe ew Ae oe wo jus V. Burpee Test (modificd). Equipment. None. Method. (a) Start--standing position, arms et sides. (b) at starting signal drop to full squat position, w eight on hands. (c) Extend both fect backwerd to full extension, hips below the line from shoulders to heels. (da) Return to squat position. (c) Return to starting position. (f) Repeat as many times as possible in 20 seconds. Explain fully; con- duct in groups of 15 or 20, each man keeping own score. Instructor keeps time for entire group. Basis for scoring. The number of complete half movements in prescribed time, ¢.g., mon may complete 8.50 movements, etc. If he reaches "front-leaning rest" position, it counts 50. He must reach standing position to complete the movement and secure credit for same (see diagram). DIAGRAM + BURPEE TEST POSITION I POSITION 2 POSITION 3 POSITION 4 POSITION 5 = _ 7s !