at "Ole Miss", was later assistant football coach at that institution, the Universi ty of Mississippi, until his induction into the Navy. The Machinists' Mates have an outstanding group of athletic officers. Chief Starkey is a great baseball fan, having played some seni=pro ball; Lieut. orien played football at Rockhurst Gollege in Kansas City, and Lieut. Zeller. was a football onl basketball star at Indiana University before playing with the chivago Bears. The Chief Specialists of the Vel2 group are a haa end aggressive group. Chief Ralph Hayes, an expert boxer, has developed Golden Gloves champions at Cedar Rapids, lowe, for memy yearse In Robinson Gymnasium at 4:30 any day in the week will be found rity or more husky nitewielders under the watohful eye of Chief Hayes, swinging kmock-out blows at their " eppenente, and at the same tine developing the nanly art of welt defense whieh in naval language means the survival of the fit. Chief Troy Odom played halfback at Tulane University in 1934, 1935 and 1936, Chief Bob Garver is an expert swimmer, and has had outstanding success as a Red Gross swimning Sicuuseeré Chief Don Davaty who played baseball and — basketball at Kansas State Galines. oni Later coached in high sehool, is a fine organizer of Vel2 intramural teams. There is just one objective of all Army and Navy training e- to woh men physically and technically for service in combat. The man whe is in top eleeitiaat condition fights better and longer than the one who isn't. ee exemple, ‘ is aie entere the service with no experience in body contact ceitle may get a completely kmew mental experience from his boxing lesson. After more training in contact sports a man gets poise, confidence, skill und the desire for combat «- even though he had never had a grade sdhool fist fight before his service days. We do not teach commando tactics. We teach physical conditioning because that is %