ee ne oan ee Gptenen Imp * seis iia pa é hetees Sat LS laa Dt?) ONT ORES EP ona le Information le. Leave from Mott's stablos at 7330 Friday mornings 2e You may ride cither Friday or Saturday or both days. Wo must know definitely which day or deys you plen to rido. 3- Yow will be given six hours credit if you ride both days and three if you ride only ones You will be asked to pay on the rogular basis but sinco these hcurs will be credited toward your first half semoster's riding, your total expenses for tho first half semoster will remain tho samo = cight dollers. ( You will probably get to ride mch more than the timo with which you will be credited.) 4-e Mcals Box lunches will be proparod by the cafeteria for a charge of twenty five conts each for Friday noone You will need to take money to pay for a woiner ronst or steak f¥y Friday night and Saturday noon. Also, we will have to buy our breakfasts Friday morning and dinnors Saturday ovoning. 5e Lodging For those who plan to make the two day trip, lodging will be pro- vided in cabins in Bonner Springs free of charge. However, you will necd to bring two or three blankets for beddings You should also take your toothbrush, towel, and any toilet articlos that you may need. 6. Upon arrival ct Kansas City Saturday aftornoon, the horses will be shipped back to Lawrence and the rosponsibility of the University ends, excopt that thore will be transportation furnished back to Lawrence aftor the ovening porformance at the Amorican Royal. You may attend the Royal or not as you prefor. Howover, we urge you to attend the Royel in a groupe General admission to the Royal is fifty cents plus tax and there is an additional charge for reserved seats. %. Girls who do not plan to accompany the group home must make arrange» ments with the Dean of Wonene 8. Students making the trip must turn in a2 list of classes that they will miss to Mr. Shenk not later than Tuesday. 9. In as much os the University is to a certain extent responsible for . you during this trip, we will oxpect cheerful cooperation from each of you in the observance of any rulos or rogulations found necessary for the safoty and welfare of the groupe Pa, GU. SD Ahognt yor wortd Alle Aner Be rhs GD Aang ines aAttrg eet fr Wry Lean tae : ere A tony, Shab