October 14, 1941 Mr. Henry Shenk | Department of Physical Education Robinson Gymnasium Campus Dear Henry, I am sending you a letter written by A. EB. Woesteme desires that the Boy Scouts of Lawrence use our swimming pool - Friday evening. His letter is self-explanatory ‘to the time he states and the supervision that is possible tecause of his cooperation with the Ne TY. A» programe Will you kindly make arrangements with Weste and these four supervisors so that the Boy Scouts may use the pool? I asked Weste to write this letter so that you would have the full facts of the case. This is something that the Scouts have been doing for years and we've asked your predecessors to do this work so we're asking you to supervise it and to be sure that these supervisors see that the boys do not loiter in the entry but come in and swim at their appointed time. Unless these things are checked closely and these boys made account= able there's apt to be loose handling of these affairs. If you need any additional information I'll be happy to talk with youe Thanking you for your consideration I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg ; Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach