October 12, 1944. Col. Karl F. Baldwin, 76 Collins 8t., Melbourne, Australia. Dear Colonel Baldwin: I received a letter from your son, John 2, Baldwin, Berkeley, California, in which he enclosed a check for one hundred dollars, and I want you to know how musual I. think he is to want to perpetuate the ne ee fine friend, T. P. Hunter. I wrote him that perhaps others would wamtote gi to this memorial, and he sejd, “By all means, if others wish to give to this memorial they should do so. Aytiva | I am sending you a copy of our Jayhawk Rebounds, and I have put John on the permanent mailing list, as well ‘a8 yourself. I write a letter each month to the boys in - he service because it is one of the emall contributions that we on the home front can make to our boys who are —e that big job for us. | : We often think of you in Rotary because in my opinion you stand for the best in Rotary, in civil as well as in militery life. It is always a great pleasure to see you. Fad ad ; Rotarily yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH ‘ Varsity Basketball Coach.