The student may elect an outdoor activity for one half of and en indoor activity for the cther half of the semester, or he my elect & single activity which is carried on throughout the entire Physics] Education 1. <== First Pall Term Phys ical Eduemtion 2— --~ First Spring Term 1 Bduention S. @-< Second Pall Term Physical Rduention 4» === Second Spring Torn A student enrolling in Physical Education for the first tine in the fa11 will enroll in Physical Mduestion 1. ‘the second fall semester enroliment will be in Physical Iducetion 3. The game applies te the spring semester cnroliment: Physics! Hdmestion 2. for the first spring enrollment, and Physical Education 4. for the second spring semester enroliment. fo fulfill the requirement for credit in Physien] Education Ly 2» 3, or 4, the student, wiler the guidance of the Physical Education steff, may oleet any of the following Physical Edusation activities, in canting Wry exteninas rantee + modern dance, nt sooial sevotne omnes? physieal educe.tion, basketball (u), versity athletics M), boxing * | _ anata (Fo =" life saving i), eos diving (\), Lae . : coal eck. on softhall badminton, tation, (Ww), capaens 1 gymastics egy By boning Gis versity athleties (ii), handball (u), wrestling (i). W = courses open to women only Mi = courses open to mon only a ik elec eee Sechelt cageabecsrees ae