UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE - DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Dear BEE. BLL ee : The TAU SIGMA SORORITY wishes to extend to you a very cordial invitation to attend their Spring Dance Revue, SYMPHONY IN HWOTION. It is to be held at Fraser Theatre on the night of April 29, 1942. The members of our sorority are endeavoring in this revue to entertain you with every style of dancing. There will be classical, and the ultra - modern jitterbugging to the music of such composers &s Debussy, Moussorgsky, Mozart, Cole Porter and our own Bob Palmer. The costumes for each number are original. Even though you may not be a patron of "The Dance," we can assure you that you will enjoy its beauty and pageantrVye Because of the versatility of the entertainment we invite you to bring any and all members of your family as well as any fricnds.e Won't you be our guest on April 29th.? Respectfully yours,