October 22, 1942. This is just to remind you that the Badminton class at 10:50 TTS will have to meot on the first floor of the tioning class may use the second floor at this hour. It is impossible for us to use Hoch Audi on TTS at 10:50. th ¢ : Sinserely yours, Director of Physical Education, — PCAAR Varsity Basketball Coach. September 30, 1 942. Mr. Dell Davidsen, Stadium. Dear Mtr. Davidson: fhere are some repairs whieh I would like te have you fix at your early convenience. — | fhere ere still some leose beards in the handball courts. These may cause a sprain or injury if not fixed Very SOOR. he courts in front of the tennis practicé walls ere evergrown with grass and should be put in shape as soon as pessible. The goals for touch football should be set up and the intramural fields marked so that both the conditioning and intramural greups can use thom. The nerth ebstacle course should be completed. Numbers should be painted on the auditorium and gym fleers as goon as pessible, and I suggest that you see Henry Shenk to get his plan fer these numbers. Sincerely yours, Director of Physisal Bduceation, Varsity Basketball Coach. Lf} September 1, 1942, Drs Le 3B, ine ehataied Department of Physical Bauoation. Dear Larry: Director of Physical Miucetion, FCA:AH ‘Varsity Basketball Coach. CLASS OF SERVICE \ \ E S E RN 1201 SYMBOLS eae is a gr tye ' ( 18 } DL=Day Letter elegram or-