; ¥ saree , . cr oe sa ; = a Sugpested prorran 7 ee Roem 200 //——— oe ; | pa (three weeks) | 3 1. Running a. wind sprints ‘ b. stops-starts 3 ec. Zigzag run : ad. run with knees high F e. reverse directions f. eprints may be used at the end od kEhe class period #%. Conditioning exercises a. exercises suggested by the Physical Fitness [Institute b. other ealésthenie exercises (these exercises should be given at a brisk tempo over a period of 8-10 minutes preferably at the beginning of the elass period or at the end of the 5 running period) . ERE REZ rae e 5. Combatives , a&e Combatives ole to develop agressiveness, init tive: .and resourcefulness. b. these activities are of a rough and strenuous nature ec. they develop ability to react instantly with a maxium of energy to overcome an opponent. ad. see the list of comba tives which were set up lage, semester. Wyre 4. Basketball a. basketball offers opportunity for the development of a eae” high degree of skill,team cooperation and sportsmanship ee b. will stimulate vigorous mental and physical activity. tens ¢. strenuous team play is desirable ee ad. keep everyone active,teams that are not participating Dia. should not loaf on the sideline,give them combatives or the like at one end of the gym.