MINUTES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FACULTY MEETING A meeting of the Physical Education Department was held Monday, April 24, at 2°30 peme The project of a window display at the Journal-World for "Observation of Child Health Week" was discussede Dre Ed Elbel was appointed chairman of the committee. The Sasnak Club members on the canmittee are: Dean Nesmith, Max Replogle, Mary Ke Lattmer, Margaret Van Cleave and Virginia Andersone The general ideas suggested for use were: (1) Revolving drum with pictures of activities; (2) Relationship of play activities and war activities of the children of the different countries; (3) The relationship of the Physical Education majors to the teaching of health. Dre Elbel was to use his judgment in the arrangement of the displaye The question of keeping the gymnasium building and grounds in repair was discussede Each staff member is to report anything which is not satisfactory to Mrse Hulteen who will then see that it is taken care ofe Ruth Hoover, Secretarye — MINUTES A meeting of the Physical Education Department was held Monday, Osteber 10, at 9:50, __ Dr. Allen read a commmication from Dean Schwegler concerning the regulations as listed in the catalogue for: Option I, for school super= intendents, high school principals and supervisors with a minor in Physical Education and Healths and Option II, for school psychologists and teachers of special subject matters with a minor in Physical Education and Health, oS It was decided that the curriculum camittee should mect and set up their requirenents for a minor and then decide what commmication should be sent to Dean Schweglere for the 60-hour certificate or diplama was read. These courses are: (1) Personal Hygiene and Cammmity Health, 3 hours, fall semester, for freshmen; (2) Elemamtary School Playground Activities, 3 hours, spring semester. ‘the departments giving them information about the equipment facilities which the Physical Edueation Department would provide for pienics, yarties, etc The question of too much work for the physical education mjors was discussed. The names of all the intramural players, Tau Signa, Quack Club, etce, are to be given to Mrs. Hulteens Some kind of a point system will be Dre Allen pointed out the need of more rhythm work in the men's department since the curriculum study by Mre Laporte found that approximately "204 of the tine An pystonl eduonton shoud be dete to sty were distributed to the ae welets 0, (93 eee tell ‘ i) Late hes 1%, of 780. / : . £ : , ; z of . x ; ; | : —— dt eis /9 36-39 ey e e me Faculty Meeting New Courses which might be included in the 608Hour Program ("60-Hour Certificate or Diploma") 1. PERSONAL HYGIENE AND COMMUNITY HEALTH, 3 hours, fall semester, for freshmen. 2e ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES, 3 hours, spring semester. There are 10 or 12 now enrolled in the 60-hour programe "Strategy and Technique of Advanced Collegiate Basketball", Graduate credit, Allen.