Septe 30, 1940 Dre Allen: Miss Rich called and gave the following list of boys in the football course that Dr. Schwelger thought you might want to add to the list of boys to be lookéd upe She stated that you and Dean Schwegler discussed the matter this morninge All these boys are listed as freshmen: . John Buescher Bill Atwell Charles Wentrand lg September 24, 1940 LeWe Ste John | Direct or of Athletics Ohio State University Cohmibut, Ohio Seward Fe iii, Head Department of ical ane University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois Professor E.eG. Schroeder, Head Department of Physical Education University of Iowa Iowa, City, low. UNEXPECTED DEVELOPMENTS MAKE SLIGHT DEPARTMENTAL READJUSTMENT NECESSARY. COULD YOU SUGGEST MAN INTERESTED IN GRADUATE STUDY SALARY FOUR TO FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, REQUIRE RXPERT GYMNAST. DESIRABLE CANDIDATE SHOULD HAVE PROFICIENCY GOLF, TENNIS AND SWIMMING. WIRE WESTERN UNION. ee 7 Forrest C, Allen DEPARTLENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION University of Kansas Septe 24, 1940 HEAR. YE99 HEAR YEQ2 The Call of Your Country is Toward Physical Prepvardness§ Dear Faculty liember; The march of feet is toward the Gymnasiume Ye men of the faculty we are ready for youd le Ce Se 4e Se be The first meeting of the faculty recreational group will be held on the ground floor of Robinson Gymnasium, Wednesday, September 25, If you wish to participate in badminton or aerial darts meet in the gym at 4:15 P.if, If you are interested only in volleyball be there promptly at 5:00 Pulls There are fifty full-length lockers available in the special faculty dressing roome A private shower is also available in this faculty roome Keys may be obtained for a 2 5¢ deposit from iiss Lauretta Gerstenberger, secretary of the Physical Sducation Department, 105 Robinson Gymnasiume You may use your own towel or you may purchase a towel card in the business office for 1.00 deposit and a 75¢ fee. Recreational classes will be conducted again this vear for faculty memberse The gymnasium floor has been reserved for faculty use on “ednesdays and Fridays from 4:15 P.ii, to 6:00 embers of last year's recreation group have sugzested that those interested in volley- ball meet promptly at 5:00 P.jil, Those men also interested in bade minton or aerial darts are urged to apnear at 4:15 Peleg or any time between 4:15 P.i7, and 5:00 P.!, At least three courts for badminton or aerial darts and two courts for volleyball will be reserved each Wednesday and Fridave Facilities for other activities are available and faculty members are cordially invited to use them. Swimming pool hours will be announced later. Such activities as wrestling, fencing and handball may be arranged for during the above or other hours. See ?ire Burt DeGroot if you are interested,e if you have any questions concerning the recreational classes or the facilities, please address them to Ife Burt DeGroot, 107 Robinson Gymnasium, phone KeUe 89. This is your program, conducted for your pleasure and benefit, We will welcome suggestions concerning either the activities or the facilities, . Cue Dette Tie PN St pick last year over fifty faculty members availed themselves of the opportunity offered by the Department of Phrsicel Rducations . The following men played volley- ball or other team games: eats _ayaons Nanaga, “uzene Ramskill, Eusene Booth, “. Ee Ming, dosenh Fs Stene, Ee Oc Boyce, Rarnest Lutness, Otto Je. Shoemaker, “me He - Deschner, Walter “. Martin, Jomes Be Smith, HeTeUs Gemmel, Lee McCord, Fletcher Stover, Dalton Gibson, Hilden Re Meyers, Joe Virtue, John Be Hankins, John Ee Mishou, Edward Ce Wellhausen, Edward Le Hoffman, Gordon Moore, John JeQe White, Leland Me. Janeway, Ray Price, ®dwin Fe Williamson, Ben Le If you are a new faculty member not acquainted with the situation, get in touch with one of these above mentioned gentlemen and they will tell you how much fun they hade They know the ropes, so ask them to escort you over for the first meeting tomorrow (Wednesday). Chancellor Deane ‘i, imlott, Dean Je Je Jakosky and Dean Paul Be Lawson are different, in one respect at least, froin President Hutchins of the University of Chicagoe ‘hen President Hutchins feels the urge for exercise he just goes and lies down and the urge vanishes. These administrators have already expressed a definite desire to activate themselves physically. Dean Je Je Jakosky wants to wrestle, Chancellor Deane W, Malott and Dean Paul Be Lawson are interested in volleyball. Professor Fletcher lieCord of the Psychology Department, Dr. HeTeUs Smith and Mre Dreyer of the Geology Devartment and Professor Joe Taggart of the School of Business desire to indulge vith much eclat in the manly and versatile art of fencing under lire Jim Raport of our Devartnent. Ye men of the faculty be physically strong as well as intellectually : brilliant. Selah } Sincerely yours, Director of” Physical E tion Avid Recreation Varsity Basketball Loach FCA:l1lg DEPARTLANT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION University of Kansas Septe 24, 1940 HEAR YE9? HEAR YEQQ The Call of Your Country is Toward Physical Prepardness$ Dear Faculty liember; The march of feet is toward the Gymnasiume Ye men of the faculty we are ready for youd le Le Se Le Se be The first meeting of the faculty recreational group will be held on the ground floor of Robinson Gymnasium, Wednesday, September 25, If you wish to participate in badminton or aerial darts meet in the gym at 4:15 P.M. If you are interested only in volleyball be there promptly at 5:00 P.M. There are fifty full-length lockers available in the special faculty dressing rooms A private shower is also available in this faculty roome Keys may be obtained for a 2 5¢ deposit from Miss Lauretta Gerstenberger, secretary of the Physical Education Department, 105 Robinson Gymnasiums You may use your own towel or you may purchase a towel card in the business office for 31,00 deposit and a 75¢ fee. Recreational classes will be conducted again this year for faculty memberse The gymnasium floor has been reserved for faculty use on “ednesdays and Fridays from 4:15, to 6:00 P.l', embers of last year's recreation group have suggested that those interested in volley=# ball meet promptly at 5:00 P.ji, Those men also interested in bad» minton or aerial darts are urged to apvear at 4:15 PeMey or any time between 4:15 P.i7, and 5:00 P.Ji, At least three courts for badminton or aerial darts and two courts for volleyball will be reserved each Wednesday and Fridays Facilities for other activities are available and faculty members are cordially invited to use them. Swimming pool hours will be announced later. Such activities as wrestling, fencing and handball may be arranged for during the above or other hours. See Mr. Burt DeGroot if you are interested, If you have any questions concerning the recreational olasses or the facilities, please address them to lire Burt DeGroot, 107 Robinson Gymnasium, phone KeUe 89. This is your program, conducted for your pleasure and benefit, We will welcome suggestions concerning either the activities or the facilities, last year over fifty faculty members availed themselves of the opportunity offered by the Department of Physice.1l Bducatione The following men played volley- ball or other teain games: Beamer, aynond Kanaga, Fugene Ramskill, Eu.zsene Booth, “se Ee King, Josesh Fe Stene, Ee 0» Boyce, Earnest Lutness, Otto Je Shoemaker, “me Hee Deschner, Walter “. Martin, James Be Smith, HelTeUe Gemmel, Lee McCord, Fletcher Stover, Dalton Gibson, Hilden Re Meyers, Joe Virtue, John B. Hankins, John Ee Wishouv, Edward Ce Wellhausen, Edward Le Hoffman, Gordon Moore, John Jee White, Leland lie Janeway, Ray Price, Sdwin F. Williamson, Ben Le If you are a new faculty member not acquainted with the situation, get in touch with one of these above mentioned gentlemen and they will tell you how much fun they had. They know the ropes, so ask them to escort you over for the first meeting tomorrow (Wednesday). Chancellor Deane ‘i, ialott, Dean Je Je Jakosky and Dean Paul Be Lawson are different, in one respect at least, from President Hutchins of the University of Chicagoe “hen President Hutchins feels the urge for exercise he just goes and lies down and the urge vanishes. These administrators have already expressed a definite desire to activate themselves physically. Dean Je Je Jakosky wants to wrestle, Chancellor Deane W, Malott and Dean Paul Be Lawson are interested in volleyball. Professor Fletcher hicCord of the Psychology Department, Dr. HeTeUe Smith and Mr. Dreyer of the Geology Devartinent and Professor Joe Taggart of the School of Business desire to indulge with much eclat in the manly and versatile art of fencing under lire Jim Raport of our Department. Ye men of the faculty be physically strong as well as intellectually brilliant. Selahég A Sincerely yours, x \ moun Director of” Physical E tion and Necreation Varsity Basketball Loach FCA:lg + ; FACULTY RECTKATION CLASS Year 6 (437-¥o pubniiaey | ‘ = Extension Division ‘Shon, E. Oo es - i ee Science .—Beamer, Raymond . ee Entemology ~Janeway, Ray ~~~ ee OS eee —Welihausen, Raward “= ee ee Library “Brice, asia 7. | = oe Dean of School of f Religion Boyce, Earnest BR ga, 5 Water ‘Papeete Smith, H. ft. U. 3 ses Geology es Martin, James B. . fe Chemistry . ee —@ibson, Hilden Be, re aS Political Sei. & Sea. “Beschner, Walter W. oe - Chemical Engineering | “toore , John de 0» Fe Be Se Ae Ze Booth, We Es. ee ~ffankins, John E. Bre Gordon : THisnow,, “Baer se So Bureau of Corres. — a ee ee —Fhite, eland me Chemistry We ee Geological Survey — Joe : | aS Anatomy | “6 eee eee ee English — In addition to the above, 24 other “faculty members participates ; in individual sports or use the ne room for. mere. ae INFORMATION TO GO INTO LETTER TO THE FACULTY CONCERNING RECREATIONAL le Ze Se 46 Se be ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES There are fifty fullelength lockers available in the special faculty dressing roome A private shower is also available in this faculty roome Keys may be obtained for = 25¢ deposit from Miss Lauretta Gerstenberger, secretary of the Physical Education Department, 105 Robinson Gymnasiume You may use your own towel or you may purchase a towel card in the business office for $1.00 deposit and a 75¢ fee. Recreational classes will be conducted again this year for faculty memberse The gymnasium floor has been reserved for faculty use on Wednesdays and Fridays from 4:15 PeMe to 6:00 PeMe Members of last year's recreation group have suggested that those interested in Volley- ball meet promptly at 5:00 PeM. Those men also interested in badminton or aerial darts are urged to appear at 4:15 '.M., or any time between 43:15 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. At least three courts for badminton or aerial darts and two courts for volleyball will be reserved each Wednesday and Fridaye Facilities for other activities are available and faculty members are cordially invited to use theme Swimming pool hours will be announced laters Such activities as wrestling, fencing and handball may be arranged for during the above or other hourse See Mr. Burt DeGroot if you are interestede If you have any questions concerning the recreational classes or the facilities, please address them to Mr. Burt DeGroot, 107’ Rebinson Gymnasium, phone KeUe 89-6 The first meeting of the faculty recreational group will be held on the ground floor of Robinson Gymnasium, Wednesday, September 25, If you participate in badminton or aerial darts meet in the gym at 4:15. #If you interested only in volleyball be there promptly at 5:00 Poi, This is your program, conducted for your pleasure and benefite We will welcome suggestions concerning either the activities or the facilitiese AL | ye We yy" INFORMATION TO GO INTO LETTER TO THE FACULTY CONCERWs ING RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES 1.There are fifty fuli-length iockers evaileble in the Seeial feculty dressing room. A private shower is also aveliable in this feculty room. was | &. Keys mey be obtsine afromy Miss. TonluncSooreters of the physi¢sl education department, ,!4er Robinson Gymnesium. You mey use your own towel or you may purchese a towel care in the business office— fev a Adipput 154 jae aaa 3. Recreational clesses will be conducted inte this year for faculty members. The gyrnasium floor has been reserved for fecubty use on Wednesdays and Fridays from 4:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. WMemrbers of lest year's recreation group have suggested thet nl Po Se interested in Woliley bell meet promptly at 5:00 p.m. Those men,interested in badminton and aerial darts gm are urged to appear at 4:15 p.r., er any time between 4:l5p.r. and 5:00 p.m. At least three corts f*®V badrinton or serial darts agand two courts for volleyball will be reservec esch Wednesday and Fridey. Facilities for Moher activities are avaliable a oo. members are cordially invited to — a? a pooh hars will | bad be angounced lete Rts te od wotivetias w thes Ewe and es be tr youtid té i fe t's Pode" conden? retire KeprgSt Sti thcee of the Biss. please address them to Burt DeGroot, —e Gymnesium, phone K.U. 59. . ern lo On — Rp -.€ 5. The first me€ = the dotted d reozeetiod) Yroup rit ve held,” ee oo 259 re abet at 5:00 p 0 in ee a Ge this is your prograr, conduc te, hen yon r pleasure aa bemefit. We will welcome suggestions concerning , 1@ activities or the facilities. / ” i amo perascnooe! For Your Information The Lawrence Laundry called to say that sometime this summer the Country Club Was given permission to use some of our towelse The Country Club failed to return 15 of these towels. The Club said they would be glad to pay for them if the Laundry would find out their valuee I looked up on our purchase enter for towels and found they cost $2296 per dozen, or approximately 25¢ apiece. I have given this figure to the Laundry, who in turn is to advise the Clube (15 towels at 25¢ apiece is $3.75) 1g | I assure you we will cooperate at all times in correcting these athletic deficiencies. Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FeAsig ec: Dean Schwegler i i if i a and | 3 B va i Hi i Ure Dell Davidson, Custodian Intercollegiate Athletics University of Fansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Davidson: This is to introduce to you Bob Cohlmeyer, @ freshman at the University of Kansas, who has been appointed to work with you during the coming school year as student assistants Sincerely yours, Director. of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach bireetor of Physical Eéueation and Reoreation eS Septe 20, 1940 ® Dre Allens . Dean Schwegler’ was in and wondered if we were checking the results of the pip examinations on @11 people entering as freshmen for physical educations ‘The rule states that in order to be admitted, freshmen should have @ rating of Ae If we are not chec Dean Schwegler asked that we look into the matter bentivse in the past one or two people who were utterly impossible | _ were entered and it was not discovered wmtil pretty well along in the years at one oe ne enter : * Dean swcaiie would appreciate our smneking up on this matter or anything mappente a September 10, 1940 Mre Dell favidson, Custodian Intercollegiate Athletics University of Zansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear ire Davidsone This is to introduce to you Wendell Link of Emporia, Kansas, a freshman at the University of Kansas, who will assist you during the coming school year as student assistants Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Zducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach | Ure Dell Davidson, Custodian Intercellegiate Athle University of Kansag Lawrence, Kansag Dear Mre Davidsons this is to introduce to you Bob Abrams of St» Louis, a freshman at the University of Kansas, who has been appointed te work with you during the coming school year as student assistant. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach | e September 10, 1940 Mre Dell tmvidson, Custodian Intercollegiate Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mre Davidsons | | This is to introduce to you Kemeth Dugan, a freshman at the University of Kansas, who will assist you during the coming school year as student assistants ? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach September 5» 1940 Dear Dr. Allen; . Wiebe called to my attention today the fact that the paint on the floor under the rubber mats in front of the women's showers is peeling off, the floor is damp under the mats, and the mats have a musty odor. I imagine this is about what happened to the floor on the men's side, The painters are planning on starting work on the dressing room floors, the pool and springboard (giving them the coat of sand you recomended) about — tomorrow, and we wondered if you thought the floor in front of the women's showers should have the same treate ment. Since you will not return to the office before the men are finished with the floors, I thought I should write you about this matter, and await your reply. I am enclosing the letter you wrote Dean . Schwegler which carries ea note from him, Dean Schwogler would like to hear from you regarding Don Blair. He would also like to have this letter returned to him for his files, As for as I know Miss Stapleton and Miss oe foover are here, also Mr. Raport, and Dr. Hibel has 3 returned, oe We have had quite a bit of rain the last week, and the weather is wonderful. Sincerely yours, ~ Pi May 6, 1940. Dean Fe T. Stockton, School of Business, University of Kansas. ete lasaanh of flected thant ire to dive you this informmmtion for the current acadazic year for each one of our men in this devevinente Porre | eect of ee Eee Sate Dee Teaching load: ©» dietitians Vittles el enens 6 ene Nay TERNS SEM imiversity camittees: Exhibit Canmittee for National Cornhuske on ren eee ¢ 4 | nee See SS Senate Comittee 7 | gt 2Oegame varsity schedule (see attached card); ityefresiman games on Nove 24 and Febe 93 for Big Six tie Gohitm, March 1] and 12 (won by Kansas); | betwooen Big Six representa: Sechuy sequunuethes (Cidlahamm Ae & Me) at she determine representative in Western eC siehe tourmmment { m by Kansas $ ME Of Westen nd RS SeeeneenD Semin Gr OF tenes teenies ade sn Sime) ig seboel basketball elinie morning of Apri] 20, Robinson gyemeiun (attended by iii weit: ts Ost. 12, Lawrence Mi~Y Assembly; Octe 14, ventory Foms Hove $0, tethotiot tury 1 eet eae Se : . OF vin Gererontios 0° Ikan So tite i Dean Re Ae Schwegler, School of Wducation, University of KANSAS , Dear Deen Selmeglers 4% our budget conference held in Mrs Michols' office on April Sth, Dean Stockton stated at ‘that meeting that he was not sufficiently acqueinted with the activities of our Physical Education faculty to properly evaluate their services. § For thet reason, and further, to have you well. enough acquainted with our persomel, I an sending you —A ee Stocktone Very cordially yours, : Director of Physical Stuoation and Reoreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coachs | May 8, 1940. Myre Raymond Nichols, The Chancellor's Office, — University of Kansase Dear Mre Nichols: Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and —, FCAsAll Varsity Basketball Coache : May 7, 1940. Pean Pe Te. stoclcton, School of Business, University of Kansase Dear Dean Stocictons Much time has been spent to prepare this material on the activities of our Pirysical Education faculty, ~ end I trust that you will carefully check the teaching ioads and the other work and see if they do not compare very favorably with any teachors in the University. Cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA sAH Varsity Sasketball Coaches President General Secretary and Editor Graduate Magazine Vice-President PAUL S. ENDACOTT, e’23 ; MARLIN H. POINDEXTER, ‘09 Phillips Petroleum Co. FRED ELLSWORTH, ‘22 702 Bitting Bldg. Bartlesville,Okla. Lawrence Wichita Directors = a Directors MARIA SLADE MAY, ‘16 The University of Kansas JOHN E. BOYER, ‘28, 130 Atchison vo icnita T. J. STRICKLER, e’06 Scarritt Bldg. ° ,, 4 FRANK L. CARSON, ‘13 Kansas City, Mo. First National Bank MYRA LITTLE REITZ, ‘32 Wichita ee ed. HEADQUARTERS - ROOM 2 - FRANK STRONG HALL sag lg iad WALTER G. THIELE, I’10 JOANNA GLEED WAGSTAFF, fa‘2] — Court Lawrence —" Lawrence - Kansas CLARENCE L. BURT, e’09 sai Pati on Hs Hutchinson nta re ices Prof. F. €. Allen 105 Robinson Campus Dear Professor Allen: We are compiling a great map of Kansas showing all contacts made in the stateduring the past year by University officials or student STOUPS. Please send us within the next five days a list of all speeches, conferences, meetings,or entertainments where you, or anyone from the University whom you bis Ht. came into contact with the communities of Kansas. In each case please give the date or approximate date and nature of the meeting with the name of person, University official, faculty memoer, or organization taking part. Cordially yours, lsworth FE: bk Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50.