INFORMATION TO GO INTO LETTER TO THE FACULTY CONCERWs ING RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES 1.There are fifty fuli-length iockers evaileble in the Seeial feculty dressing room. A private shower is also aveliable in this feculty room. was | &. Keys mey be obtsine afromy Miss. TonluncSooreters of the physi¢sl education department, ,!4er Robinson Gymnesium. You mey use your own towel or you may purchese a towel care in the business office— fev a Adipput 154 jae aaa 3. Recreational clesses will be conducted inte this year for faculty members. The gyrnasium floor has been reserved for fecubty use on Wednesdays and Fridays from 4:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. WMemrbers of lest year's recreation group have suggested thet nl Po Se interested in Woliley bell meet promptly at 5:00 p.m. Those men,interested in badminton and aerial darts gm are urged to appear at 4:15 p.r., er any time between 4:l5p.r. and 5:00 p.m. At least three corts f*®V badrinton or serial darts agand two courts for volleyball will be reservec esch Wednesday and Fridey. Facilities for Moher activities are avaliable a oo. members are cordially invited to — a? a pooh hars will | bad be angounced lete Rts te od wotivetias w thes Ewe and es be tr youtid té i fe t's Pode" conden? retire KeprgSt Sti thcee of the Biss. please address them to Burt DeGroot, —e Gymnesium, phone K.U. 59. . ern lo On — Rp -.€ 5. The first me€ = the dotted d reozeetiod) Yroup rit ve held,” ee oo 259 re abet at 5:00 p 0 in ee a Ge this is your prograr, conduc te, hen yon r pleasure aa bemefit. We will welcome suggestions concerning , 1@ activities or the facilities.