October 25, 1940 Dear Faculty Member: We have received the following notice from the Periodical Librarian, Yetson Librery, end I am passing it on for your information: "the first Noe of our subscription to Piposte (the fencing megazine) hes just core end will be found henceforth in our periodical room («11 box £674) Betty Le Hale Periodical Librarian Wetson Librery" Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Fducetion end Yecreation Varsity Basketball Coach POA: lg Octe 17, 1940 Dre Allens: Miss Rich called to report the following Situations: Don Thompson has not paid his fees yet, and Mr. Klooz says he either pays them today or withdraws from schoole Miss Rich says this seems ae to be a habit with the boy; he has y- done this several times. It seems, som if he could pay his fees when Mr. )3 Klooz puts pressure on him, that Ti= 1 he would be willing to save himself oC time and a few dollars by paying : them earlier. Miss Rich says she thinks the boy gepeese some straightening out and yh perhaps guidances she wondered if you u knew him well enough to help him, perhapse a Thompson is to report to the Ed. office : today at 11:30 (I have indicated this on your class roll) The Other Cases: Both Don Thompson and Warren Newcomber are being tutored in zoology at 11:30 Jf i pr on Tuesday and Thursday. Neither of the boys appeared for the tutoring last Tuesday. a (Miss Rich says it really didn't make much a? 2 difference because the girl tutoring them 4 : erg was ill in the hospital--but of course, they 4 ne did not know this--nevertheless they should have been there for the tutoring class) Warren Newcomber has been told to appear at the School of Education office 7 at 11:30 for this class, lg October 16, 1940 Hall called me and stated - pong tables I wee wmder om made and delivered to A E af i 4 8, FB BS : j Hf i ; i a . 5 fet E s e gb PEE id 36 ; Be LE 0 Ages a8 eas aoe I would appresiate it tly if i ¢ ie ef Z i 4¢ il ri 8 re ! i + : if g g 3 i . ft iy g i a l & $ : i : i : é ; : | 2 - Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAsig PoSe The windows on the west side of the balcony in the cymas seen _ need to be repainted. es : ! < ee sie aie uih 32s iat il lee SS CoPY November 6, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Received your letter of October 29 and I was quite surprised at both the contents and the tone, as I feel that I've been more than fair in giving over three months notice. I would like to leave with good feeling and that is why I told you of my intentions as early as October 15. I am sorry that you do not see fit to accept my resignation in a more cooperative spirit, but I feel that ‘the decision of marriage is of most importance and not merely a matter of my convenience, so, I've made up my mind not to return the second semester. As to finding a person to fill my vacancy and to outlining my work for this person, I will be glad to do all in my power... Sincerely, Catherine Dunkel Sovenber 13, 1940 Confirming our conversation of even date, and in reply te your registered y 5 stegdlinane. omar ene it pan rkigep ong on Mg tae as i aeae ae We feel that it spud to sank antlia’, under the conditions, $0 wihe @ ebndigh ke of. Soeemder 3 Gan deter in in the year’ when people —=a ch CT the late fail or early winters iis ides dk wai etal annie Sn Seis aan, Se ee en ee ne yer Hee soon after you begate — | uta: vane Reng, happy end prosperous wedéed life, I em, 7 Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reoreation Varsity basketball Coach FOAslg ec; Chancellor Malott | Miss Hoover October 29, 1940 Wiss Catherine Dunke2 Robinson Gymnasium University of Kansas Dear Miss Mmkels i @m sorry to tell you thet I had a conference with Chancellor talott last Friday and he said under no circunstances would he accept your resignation at the end of the first semester. He feels that it is your cbligation, inasmuch as you took the job for this year, to continue until the end of the second semesters Frankly, I feel in entire accord with him because it leaves the University in e@ position that they are unable to find replacemont to #222 your positions Had this real guation been asked on wasiaids of your bettering yourself in e professicml wey, the University - would have doubtless considered your request from a different angle, but since your professional responsibility should exesed your convenience in this case, I am passing om the ? a ~ 2) ( (308 Speci! problers , Thesis ? x ¢)? f Achivit | vit i. Y W 2.3 @ og cus mW 7 30 c 47 < | rT Tk _ a: 20 Z T Th a 7F ( other hows ‘f courses ere ere wded e § th;s sprins) ZIM Sui meee T Th £70 Zz 45% Be iliadisadininy Mwek fb: 30 3 4S b , 5 Other eet ities ae ; Facully ve cvention. T fe SAG — b32 O F ( huctbiend cha! Feld director 2 ya W +h. 4) P Y:30- 6:0° Ww E hid h ous pov week » Total * suve’ houtS = ae Total ossslde hows = 30-35 et Ps an Academic clus Ses Tred 3G History € Fey ncples of FE MWEF £130 Jv — Pr xf gk ficid A GY», Fac trae Taxehing MT WIT F ce — Gem vil Coufeve mee M £: 3 Oo App F- 4-2 ln doped ¢ out evences 3 > (20 Speein! problens Thesis > : a 1)! : ef | 7 le 7 & 3c Epilator a 3130 , Ri | , @.30 i 2.'130- e > Beduncfor a (se i Se ee (or Swiervnsng ) 7, att. othe ac wore : ae ee peetmatie re Ys (S- GPO # rend Brstetb sepecvision abet 7 por wed) 4 lent aot oe lik Aovts » [Ths Llu wh Gym wt L700 fm dui dy L. ie meee ehobe fel g serves ) TE Total hevrs? far Week vx epee: Ostober 15, 1940 Robinson Gymnasium University of Karsas Dear Miss Hoovers , Enolosed is copy of a letter written te ire Davidson regarding the side railing and steps leading to the hockey field, and a fence for the southeast corner of the fielde If these matters are not taken care of within a short while, please let us kmov. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bdusation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg Ence UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION October 11, 1940 De. F. ¢, Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr, Allen, The ramp has been repaired in grand style. Since that report the side railing of the steps and some of the steps themselves have become loose and need repair. I, also, would like very much to have some sort of a fence fixed at the southeast corner of the hockey field to prevent people from making a path across the field. The sod of the field is in very good condition = this fall, really the best it has been for years. Thank you. Sincerely, Kich Ss eo RH: HW Ruth I. Hoover, Oetober 15, 1940 Mre fel Davidson Custodian . Intercollegiate Athletics University of Kansas Dear li. favidsons The ramp hae been repaired but the steps and side railing leading to the hockey field have come loose and need repairs 3 Te wenld nico like to have ¢ fence of oene sort put up at the southeast corner of the hockey field to prevent people from making a path across the field. Please consult Mise Hoover regarding thise — Thanking you, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Paysica} Bdusation and Reerestion Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig ec; Miss Hoover Octeber 15, 1940 Miss Ruth Ie Hoover Robinson Gymasiun University of Kansas Dear tise Hoovers i have sent the Chancellor a copy of your letter of October 7 regarding the Square fance Partye | i am very sure that this will work out for the benefit and pleasure of all concerned. Certainly the Sasnak would benefit by attendings By the way, I wonder what has happened to the Sasmak this year. Don't you think it is about tine someone resurrected it? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach WAslg UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION October 7, 1940 Drs Fe. GO, Alien University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I wanted to let you know about the results of our first attempt at the Square Dance Party. Friday night we had 25 to 350 students present, all of whom seemed to have a delightful time. They were anxious to know when we would dance again, As you know liiss Stapleton and I went to Colorado Springs this summer to take a week's course with Dr, Lloyd Shaw of the Cheyenne Mountain School. He has done much to repopularize this type of dancing. We had enjoyed it so much previously. that we felt it would be an excellent activity for the social life of the more shy and retiring student, I believe this type of a program is going to meet the needs, particularly, of the independent student and of the student who has little social.life. The men or women can come with dates or not as they wish. Just after we had finished our dance a group of fifteen or more people came in from the Wesley Foundation. Next week we will have a longer session but for the first time we danced for only an hour and a half, W. A. A. is interested in having this ‘as one of their projects. We expect, at least for the present, to have such a dance each Friday night. The faculty members and their wives are cordially invited to attend also, If the interest increases as I feel sure it will, we will need an amplifying system. Even the noise of twenty-five shuffling pairs of feet made it difficult to hear the call. I believe Sasnak Club would enjoy an evening of Square Dancing, too, Sin reise 9 CD) Ieee) Ruth I, Hoover Ostober 10, 1940 Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach FeAslg October 7, 1940 : , E E 3 : | _ I ean explain it to you and 1 believe you and Bumn could do a swell job. Will you please drop in the office and talk this over with me? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical paucation and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach | October 6, 1940 Mre Dell Davidson Custodian Intercollegiate Athletics University of Kansas Deer Mrs Davidsons | Dre Elbel reports that the new intramural field has some bad tractor ruts and gulleys, especially in the northeast and southe west corners. He said the depressions were really dangerous and advised their being filled in with dirt. Dre Elbel would like to have this field fixed on Monday, if at all possible. “I should like to have the windows painted, both upstairs and downstairs, on both sides of the basketball court in the gymo The old paint is falling off in many places and the sum is striking She SEnTIee 1H We Sante This interters with Weir: wantinte , : Aleo, I would like to have you paint seme white lines on ethe floor. I necessarily will have to show you where we want them See ee eee muche ; : a I would also ‘Like to have our tasketbe2 backstop cut off so as to conform with the regulations of the smiller boarde You will remember that I spoke to you onee before and you thought you could do it im the sumer, We levi a rule book here in the office which shows wae: Gianatiiig. Gah GUPELET VAS you sah Gat bo $4 48 weuld be 0 definite help to. use ee at the smlier boards than at the larger boardse Z would also like to talk with you and have you mike me ee ee | Simserely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg Oetober 4, 1940 Mire Burt DeGroot Education Depte University of Kansas Dear Burts Miss Kenney of the Correspondence Study Bureau gave the mame of Ire Edgar landsdorf, 1354 Fillmore, Topela, as the gentleman who hes an outline for the correspondense course in English Historye re landsdorf works at the Historical Research Librarye Sinserely yours, Director of 0a] Education and Recreation Varsity 12 Coach | g it Ges & 5 ie My ett i nie | ! } iigie lb i aiths 3 ai Miss Ruth Ie Hoover Robinson Gymmeasiua —oe ee Deas Mise Hoovers = 3 This acknowledges receipt of yours of the 2nd instant conserning the course 194, Content and liothod of Physical Eduostiong = ices Set had & nentedeieh Sh We Ebel, end I am appointing Drs Elbe] and you as & special committee to work out the problea of this courese I had @ conference with Dean sclwelger and he informed me it is necessary to have nine hours of the Gontent and Methode He is not willing, of course, to change these prerequisites because it is not done in any cther school, Therefore, I see no alternative for: | us, but I trust that you and Dre Zlbel can work out somethings . If a number of juniors are enrolled in this course, it is necessary that they have the prerequisites, and the only thing that I can see now is to change back that course--Content and Method=-to the senior yeere There