Octe 17, 1940 Dre Allens: Miss Rich called to report the following Situations: Don Thompson has not paid his fees yet, and Mr. Klooz says he either pays them today or withdraws from schoole Miss Rich says this seems ae to be a habit with the boy; he has y- done this several times. It seems, som if he could pay his fees when Mr. )3 Klooz puts pressure on him, that Ti= 1 he would be willing to save himself oC time and a few dollars by paying : them earlier. Miss Rich says she thinks the boy gepeese some straightening out and yh perhaps guidances she wondered if you u knew him well enough to help him, perhapse a Thompson is to report to the Ed. office : today at 11:30 (I have indicated this on your class roll) The Other Cases: Both Don Thompson and Warren Newcomber are being tutored in zoology at 11:30 Jf i pr on Tuesday and Thursday. Neither of the boys appeared for the tutoring last Tuesday. a (Miss Rich says it really didn't make much a? 2 difference because the girl tutoring them 4 : erg was ill in the hospital--but of course, they 4 ne did not know this--nevertheless they should have been there for the tutoring class) Warren Newcomber has been told to appear at the School of Education office 7 at 11:30 for this class, lg