Miss Ruth Ie Hoover Robinson Gymmeasiua —oe ee Deas Mise Hoovers = 3 This acknowledges receipt of yours of the 2nd instant conserning the course 194, Content and liothod of Physical Eduostiong = ices Set had & nentedeieh Sh We Ebel, end I am appointing Drs Elbe] and you as & special committee to work out the problea of this courese I had @ conference with Dean sclwelger and he informed me it is necessary to have nine hours of the Gontent and Methode He is not willing, of course, to change these prerequisites because it is not done in any cther school, Therefore, I see no alternative for: | us, but I trust that you and Dre Zlbel can work out somethings . If a number of juniors are enrolled in this course, it is necessary that they have the prerequisites, and the only thing that I can see now is to change back that course--Content and Method=-to the senior yeere There