March 5, 1542 policy te Bdueeti on T am attaching © shert list herewithe Divestor of Phystoa) réuation and vegreat! on Varsity Iasketball Ceesh — | : “i 7 - Football coach end track man @ Belleville Public Sehoola, Belleville, Tansas (needed for next year) Mire AeSe Hainline, ices ! : Position will pay ti, for 9 monthts (this is the present salary) | "We will need an Athletic Coach, work — : to . in September, who bee a ueter'g ~~ The "ble leacherst Agency, roo, and who cam coach football, bagkete 615 Merehante mank 3) ball and @l1 other sports and one who could indianapolis, sent a bh teach Physics] Edueation in colleges” | to be filled out and returned : to thea if wo imew of soneone with these quali fieationse inquiry from @ Dean of a _ sollege ic of the t i i 84 had a Mre DeGroot: Dre Allen asked me to give you the following informations He called Mre Barnett, the Athletic Director at the Topeka High School and found out Mr. Van Slyck had aoe, ‘arranged for a physician, Dre Born, to speak to all the physical education classes next Wednesday morninge Mre Barnett stated that he would be glad to have your practice teachers come any other timeeeone day is just as good as another, mre Allen thought it would be wise for you to write to Mr. Barnett and Mre Dittimore to advise them of your coninge Dre Allen would like . to know when you plan to g0e« Mre Dittimore is supervisor of the 6 jumior high schools Mre Buck Weaver is in charge of physical education in the Topeka High Schoole lg February 1, 1941 Dr» Te Re Elbel Pebinson Gymnasium University of Kansas Bear Ed: Pegarding the suggestion for the 75th Anniversary exhibition, would it not be a good ides to plan on showing the old peach beskets | thet Dre Neismith used to originate the game of basketbs11? Perhaps it would not be necessary to have a game, but if we would have some boys in long, white trousers, quarter length sleeves, mustaches, etce, to toss the soccer ball around at certain times of the day when the crowd was at its highest, it might be an interesting recollection of the early basketball days. | I don "t know what you heve in mind, but this is one thought that we should perhaps cspitelize one Ye might also use the projector and throw a very lerge picture of Dre Naismith on the walle. Of course, enlarging = picture of Dre Naismith would be much better, but the item of expense enters ine I will be glad to te’k with you sometime when it is convenient, with an idea of making some comploment to Yre Montgomery's efforts. Sincerely yours, FCA s1ig:min Director of Physical Sducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION BUREAU OF SCHOOL SERVICE AND RESEARCH LAWRENCE LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION January 13, 1941 Dr. FF. & Aion 105 Robinson Campus Dear Dr. Allen: The exhibits committee will meet Thursday,January 16, 3:30 p. m., Room 109 Fraser Hall. Fnelosed is a list of the suggestions made at the last meeting of the committee. The name following each item indicates the person assigned to secure complete information in regard to the exhibit, including an estimate of the cost of the exhibit and the person who will supervise the exhibit. Sincerely yours, Aid Montgomery RM FSM Architectural models-—- (V. Sith) Entomology Department-~ place museum collection on display (at least part) iiniature of University as it now is anc as it was 75 years ago. Also the University fifty years from now. Replica of North College on the site of the original building University Student Siigtiakn open house, pictorial display, Dr. Dixon's exhibit. Possibility of giving chest x-ray at no charge to visitors. Iron lung on display. (Canuteson) Fraser Hall—- Wilcox iuseum open to visitors. Curriculum Laboratory open. Reading Diagnostic Exhibit. : Bureau of Visual Instruction-- motion pictures and WPA Museum Display. f | : (Althaus) Green Hall-— historical display of law books. (Viesselman) Blake Hall-- Apparatus displays--cosmic rays, polarized light, ete. . - Astronomy display. (Stranathan) Bailey Lab-~ liquid air demonstration and other demonstrations of this type, historical display, and glass blowing by George King. Uhiles) School of Pharmacy Maorical display. (Reese) Chemical Engineers—— historical seks and exhibits. beeeohias) Watson cee display of rare books. Photographic display of color transparencies of campus scenes. (Bingham) Geology Building—- fluorescent minerals, polarizing microscopes, models, Dr. Stevenson's petroleun laboratory in operation, Prof. | Grider's display. (Schoewe) | =e Gymnasiun-- pictorial dis - Poss and new. Hecreation on quadrange. eo e ane Allen) Marvin Hali-- Engineering mxpoettions Polarized light by applied mechanics department, . Frank Strong Hall-- Fine Arts Departments present displays. Decorate lamp posts in addition to the K.U.-Jayhawk. cae hitching posts, guide posts. (Jones) (Lane) Dyche ifuseun—- — Spooner-Thayer Museum-- Power Plant and other maintenance buildings open for inspection. (Bayles) Scientific coapanies may be glad to supply displays. (Stranathan) Other alumni may wish to supply exhibits. Possibly Brown of the National Museum. Finger Printing by Alpha Phi Omega. (Canuteson) Record voices and play back for person whose voice is recorded. Install loud speakers on Dyche Tower to play recordings or broadcasts. (Bayles) Construct 1866 locomotive to drive around campus. Also possible that Union Pacific or Santa Fe wuld provide their model trains. (Montgomery) Residence Halls open to visitors. Guide service-- student groups in costumes. Have printed outlines of itinerary. Provide refreshments at ccnvenient points around canous. (iUcntgomery) Provide places in and out of buildings for visitors to rest. Law school room and others. fake movies of the celebration, (Montgomery) Hich-wheel bicycle Exhibits to be open all of time where practical and others at special tines. | denvary 27, 1941 Before you took charge of this situation there was &® general confusion, but now I see the minimun of this diffieultye It is not an easy matter to do the job the way you are doing it, and we appreciate the patience and the care thet you exercise in reducing such errors to the minimums Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAslg January 24, 1941 Miss Joie Le Stapleton Physical Education fepte University of Kansas Dear Miss Stapleton: I regret exceedingly that I failed to answer your communication of the 14th instant, I think it would be an excellent thing if you could suggest Dre Clifford Le Brownell's name to the | Committee on Convocations and Lectures as a possible speaker to University croupte I trust that you have gone ahead and made the suggestion and not waited for my untimely replys however, I de appreciate your writing mee With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FoAslg UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION January 14, 1941 Dr. Ff. CG. Alien Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Dear Dr, Allen: A letter, dated January 13, from the Committee on Convocations and Lectures has just reached me, asking for suggestions on speakers for University groups. Miss Edna McCullough, President of the Kansas Health and Physical Education Association, in a recent letter, states that Dr. Clifford L. Brownell, who succeeds Dr, Jessie F, Williams as Director of Physical Education at Teachers College, New York City, is to be the main speaker at the Kansas Health and Physical Education convention this year, I have had courses with Dr, Brownell and have heard him lecture and he is both a dynamic speaker and a fine scholar, Do you think it feasible to suggest Dr. Brownell's name to the Committee on Convocations and Lectures? Sincerely, = Ke ss oie L. Stapletpn JLS:ek | ak H _ Hed Hl Bie Hieie tee if i sani ; s sede F é Wing Gb i | ii! Wm ‘ Hei th iw a FCAsig Ene Merch 13, 1941 Dear Physical Education Faculty Member: Due to the fact thet our office handles an enormous smount of detail, it is impossible for the Secretary to take dictation from the other members of the Depertmente Exception can only be made in the case of an emergency or a lonc, complicated letters An edaitione1 Royal typgeriter will be placed in the Intramurals Office within o short whilee This will maze it possible for members to get out: their «ort on time and not wait for the use of a — tie would appreciate it if you would let Wiss Gerstenberger know when you ore in need of ® stenographer or typist and she will be gled te errange for someone to come in end help yous Ye will eppreciste your cooperstion in this matters Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Pducstion and “ecrestion Yarsity Basketbell and Baseball Cocch December 9, 1940 Dre Allen; Dean Schwegler was in this Riswiee and said Virgil. Wise was in to see him about the one hour he needs for eligibilitye : Dean Schwegler offered two solutions: "one, if he happens to have a low grade course with a mark of incomplete, then it. is thinkeble that the department could permit Virgil to make up the incomplete by special examinations “or if that isn't feasible, then it is thinkable that he could enroll fora correspondence course not to exceed 2 hours and get busy on it ." Dean Schwegler says if you need the boy bad enough he would be glad to see what he can do for hime LS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Dece 2, 1940 Dr. Fe Ce Allen Director of Phys. Ed. and Recreation University of Kansas Dear Dre Allen: At least four usable basketballs are needed immedi- ately in the towel room. All the balls that are in the towel room now either have leaky bladders or split seams. We have a box of old basketballs in the equipment room upstairs that were returned from the sporting goods company as "beyond repair”. The balls in the towel room now are in about the same condition as the latter. With intramural basketball season starting this week, there will be a greater demand for basketballs. Yours sincerely, ES bs Loot E. Be DeGroot, drs December 13, 1940 ure Burt DeGroot — University of Kansas Dear Burts ? _ JZ want to thank you very much for your latest outline of the Equitation course. I am very much interested in this; in faet, I am teking it home for Mitt end Bob to : s@é0 They were both at Culver and belonged to the Black Horse Troop; that is a crack outfit at Culver, and they really were _ taught expert horsemanshipe I congratulate you on the geteupe Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Bdueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coaeh FCAslg December 15, 1940 Dre EeRe Elbel Physical Education Department Mniversity of Kansas Dear Bd: Herriman ceme inte the office to inquire Evelyn if it would be satisfactory for her to work for you during the Christmas wacations & . Of course it will be, but it would be much more systematic if you would make the inquiry and have arrangenents made to turn in her time after she is finished. Hereafter will you kindly doe this? Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION November 20 a - 4 0 Dr. F. C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: , I am sorry about the mistake with the stop watch. I talked to Miss Gerstenberger about it and she said to take it to Mr, Marks for repair, I will see that this does not happen again, Sincerely, Ruth Hoover RH 3 HEH November 22, 1940 Dear Fellow Faculty: We have been endeavoring to get the control of all equipment under the direction of one individual so that we might be more efficient in handling such matters. This also applies to the matter of ordering new equipment as well as the major repairs needed. Last week I noticed all of our mets loaded out in the hall with cords tied around them. I asked what they were doing there and was told that they had been used down at the Community Building for our Homecoming. These mats were not clean and I am sure that they carry a great deal of dirt with them. Keeping these mats clean is a problem and I do not see how we can continue to let our mats go out in this fashion without picking up debris. It is thinkable that some such things, as loaning mats, may have to happen occesionally, but we should make the loaning of them a very difficult task. Perhaps we should set aside some old mats and let only the painted ones go to such places. These could then be washed and sterilized but the cloth mats cannot. For efficiency sake we have appointed Mr. Burt DeGroot as Coordinetor of Equipment. Any equipment that is pur chased through the office will receive Mr. DeGroot's attention. For the matter of repairs of a minor nature these can be brought to our office and they will receive prompt attention, but any repairs of any magnitude should be referred to Mr. DeGroot as a first order of businesse Sincerely Director o Physical Edugdétion and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coa FCA:1g | fe 1 fi aie s i: af og a § ili fi Li i PS ii ai hoi ii begs H [4 fi anid = y a Wig Hn ogi 3, S838 i 4 4B ua] if ik 1! enh ple aie Nimmaihy November 15, 1940 To Members of the Physical Education Department: : We have just received from Raymond Nichols, the *s Executive Secretary, a letter saying that all applications the case of an emergency the Business Office has authority : e the Business Office. The Administration reserves the right to ask the individual making the purchase assume the responsibility for paying it if this procedure is not followed. 7 | We know that you will be happy to cooperate with the laws of the State and the University. aoe Director of Physical Education and Recreation 7 i i if i I 1 is a u i ; H ey of id i H i ut i i a. i ‘ 4 i! . . : its if} : November 2, 1940 Dre Elbols - Dre Allen asked me to give you the attached letter from Dean Stouffer, and said he would like for you to confer with members of our Departnent regarding any necessary changes they thought should be made in our courses. ‘Dee Allen said persomliy, that ho thought we were moving along in good shape because our courses ere fairly new. | Dre Allen would like for you to give him‘a report — on this uatter when he returns to the office. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION October 28, 1940 Miss Gerstenberger Physical Education Department Dear Miss Gerstenberger: I have taken the stop watch to Mr. Mark for repair. The bill will be sent to one Physical Education Department, Sincerely, D kKhowye, Ruth I.. Hoover RIHsek October 25, 1940 Ure Del lmvidson Custodian Intercollegiate Athletics University of Kansas Dear Efe Davidson: Tho ane Rnaihed: gute Me Chaps tom @ little. ‘aaa ee ONE NY Se ee Perhaps it would be @ good idea to put @ Jevel on all the baskets to be sure they are straight and evene The west basket is definitely Sloping, howevere Thank you, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FAs g October 18, 1940 it might be well to have some interested soul observe the fraternity and sorority house Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Ceach FCAslg