Architectural models-—- (V. Sith) Entomology Department-~ place museum collection on display (at least part) iiniature of University as it now is anc as it was 75 years ago. Also the University fifty years from now. Replica of North College on the site of the original building University Student Siigtiakn open house, pictorial display, Dr. Dixon's exhibit. Possibility of giving chest x-ray at no charge to visitors. Iron lung on display. (Canuteson) Fraser Hall—- Wilcox iuseum open to visitors. Curriculum Laboratory open. Reading Diagnostic Exhibit. : Bureau of Visual Instruction-- motion pictures and WPA Museum Display. f | : (Althaus) Green Hall-— historical display of law books. (Viesselman) Blake Hall-- Apparatus displays--cosmic rays, polarized light, ete. . - Astronomy display. (Stranathan) Bailey Lab-~ liquid air demonstration and other demonstrations of this type, historical display, and glass blowing by George King. Uhiles) School of Pharmacy Maorical display. (Reese) Chemical Engineers—— historical seks and exhibits. beeeohias) Watson cee display of rare books. Photographic display of color transparencies of campus scenes. (Bingham) Geology Building—- fluorescent minerals, polarizing microscopes, models, Dr. Stevenson's petroleun laboratory in operation, Prof. | Grider's display. (Schoewe) | =e Gymnasiun-- pictorial dis - Poss and new. Hecreation on quadrange. eo e ane Allen) Marvin Hali-- Engineering mxpoettions Polarized light by applied mechanics department, . Frank Strong Hall-- Fine Arts Departments present displays. Decorate lamp posts in addition to the K.U.-Jayhawk. cae hitching posts, guide posts. (Jones) (Lane) Dyche ifuseun—- — Spooner-Thayer Museum--