alee Speeches, meetings, etce: Oct. 12, Lawrence HAY Assembly; Octe 14, Osborne Co. Teachers Associations Nove 9, District Lions Club Convention, Kiowa, Nove 20, Methodist Church, Lawrence; Nove 27-29, Cleveland, Ohio, for Basketball Rules Interpretation eeehtse 3 Dece 6, Kansas City, Opening Ceremonies of Neismith Leagues; Dec. 9, Kansas City, Missouri Valley Conference meeting; Big Six Basketball Interpretation meeting; Dece 12, Kansas City Rotary Clubs Dec. 11, Pinckney PeTeAes Dece 28, Haskell Chapel services; -Febe 21, Lions Club, Council Oretes March 11, 12, Wichita North High School, Rotary, Ke Us. luncheon, and 5 radio talks; Mar. 25, Hutchinson athletic banquet 3 Mare 26, Garnett athletic banquet; ins 2, Wathena athletic banquet 3 Apr. 3, Newton, Bethel College barbecue; Apre 5, Chapman High School assembly; Apre 5, Abilene Rotary, noons Apre 6, School of Edueation Conference; Apr¢é 9, Chamber of Commerce dinner for basketball teams Apr. 12, Kansas City, Kansas, Junior Chember of Commerce; Apre 15, Topeka. High School assembly; Apre 17, Topeke,, Gove Ratner entertained basketbell team and coach at avers Apre 22, Lane, Kansas, athletic banquets; Apre 23, Leavenworth High School Vocational | Guidance conference; Apre 29, Wich’ ta Rotary Club, noon; Apre 30, Russell Chamber of Commerce athletic banquet; May 2, Olathe Me Ee Church Brotherhéod Community suppers; May 4, Kansas City, American Dairy Associations May 7, ig Kansas City, Kansas, Methodist Churehs KCKN Radio stations May 15, Hill City high school commencement; May 16, Seneca high school commencement; May 21, Humboldt high stheol commencement; May 22, Marysville High school cdenbscabtiaale’ May 24, Wealexe high school commencement May 29, Bonner Springs high school cammencement Writings and publications: (since September, 1939) "Preliminary Treining and Drilis", The Southern Coach and Athlete, Dece 1939, Vole 2, Noe 2, ppe 10,17. “Training for High School Football" » The Weekly Kansas City Star, Nove 8, 1939, Vole 50, Noe 58, ppe 1-2. "GoaleHi, New Game Developed by Noted Basketball