“ies Th "Ss C. P. c Dear Fellow faculty Members: The University is host to the District Festival this weekend and it is our painful duty to give up the ments gym only for the high school people to check their instrumentse However, the dressing room in the basement on both the east and west sides are to be used for the high school students to change their clothinge There is to be no playing of any musical instrument in the gym building at any time. Mre Neal Wherry, who has charge of the high school detail, has some slips printed for each contestant with definite instructions along this linee Mrs Wherry is very anxious that the high school people observe these rules; therefore, there should be/difficulty encountered by the teachers who hold classese no I would be very happy to hear of any infraction of these rules so that we might correct them at oncee I regret this intrusion very much but we are also reminded of the fact that the University invited these people heree It is our duty to cooperate with the administrations I have definitely set out to the administration and to Mre Wherry our unhappiness over these intrusionse I assure you that I will alweys remain adamant in seeking to hold our building not as a checkroom or a convenient plece for other departments to umload, but as a school building filled with ect” busy classrooms. Until you and I ix and all of us can change the mental status of those in the administration I am afraid that we are doomed for sometime ge to comee Thanking you for your patience and cooperation, I an, Sincerely yours, . « Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCA slg