UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS May 22, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Enclosed in this letter is a summary report of the faculty recreation classes and the use made of the faculty dressing room during the school year 1939-40. The attendance in the classes has fluctuated from time to time, but permant interest, particularly in volley= ball, has increased throughout the year,. Thigeis evidenced by the fact that we had so many in lat his we we found it necessary to conduct two volleyball games at once, and that the group invariably continue@to pley as late as 6:30 or 6:45 peme Next year I expect the number of faculty members participating to be considerably larger. May a definite time allotment and floor space be set aside for this group(for next year) when the time schedule of classes and activities is drawn up this Spring? It is practically impossible to reorganize @ye time schedule after it is once completed; therefore, I hope this group will be given consideration at the time that the schedule is made. Sincerely, EBB bot }. Ee B. DeGroot,