whe following meh NAME McCord, Fletcher Kanaga, Bugene Gemmel, Lee Stene, E. 0. Beamer, Raymond Janeway, Ray Wellhausen, Edward L. Price, Edwin F. Williamson, Ben L. Boyce, Earnest | Smith, He Te. Ue Martin, James Be. Gibson, Hilden R. Deschner, Walter W. Moore, John de O. Booth, W. Ee Crow, Raymond F Hankins, John E. w . Hoffman, Gordon 2 7 Lutness, Otto J. Mishou, Edward Ce. a Shoemaker , Wm. H. i Gronicka, Audre Ramskill, White, Leland Me Be Stover, Dalton . Meyers, Joe . King, Joseph F. Virtue, John B. FACULTY RECREATION CLASS - /93¢-70 + = Luvticcpated tw vegul&y c |e 5S defive des: In addition to the above, 24 other faculty members participate in individual sports or use the dressing room for showers. DEPARTMENT Psychology intemology : Extension Division Political Science Entemology Library Library sat Dean of School of Religion Water Department Water Department Geology Chemistry Political Sci. & Soce Chemical Engineering Ye Me Co Ae Botany : ee Electrical Foreman Bldg. & Grds. English | Chemistry Chemistry Bureau of Corres. Study Romance Language German — Chemistry Chemistry Geological Survey Anatomy Religion English