Susislind Gad eahiate Ucar we see Geen I suggest that you send this and other thoughts thet you have in mind to Dean Solwegler in a letter, telling him thet you and I have gone over this mtter and that I heartily approve, end further that you desire to have a — conference with hire olin sain Pcie de Paget gcethoragers _ Like for him to offer suggestions from his long years seiguiicaion “Sanaied She cates ACMiaie: dead eeomgeeatids seni that you are endeavoring to work on at Oread. | Frankly, I like very much the interest and en= thusiase that you are showing for the betterment of the department, not only at Oread but with our department as en rn ee on ae Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAli © Seay ee Cees |