qo Tt y Yau - Hi . “friend A “hdl Sel. {$+ gfe Sve a al 8:00 fa The DOYSILAL EDUCATION — \WHMEN Oetober 16, 1939 To Members cf the Physical Education Faoultys I desire to oal] your early attention to tie following items Compulsory Attendance at Sasmak Dinner ' “Ell you please announce to your classes that attendance is required of all 1 Physical Education majors at the Sasnak Club dinner meeting on Thursday, October 197 We must give the nunber of reservae tions to Mise Zi opie euxly Wednesday morning, and for that reason we would like every etudent to have his ticket not later than 10430 Wednesday, Am attendance check will be kept on the students attend ing the dimmere Me exeuses will be accepted, unless prior to the dinner neeting students. desiring to be excused for some exceptional reason, have transmitted their reasons to this offices There will be only two dinner meetings during the year at which we will require the attendance of all the majors « one in the fall and one in the springe I do not feel that this ie asking too much of theme Faoulty Meeting. Thursday, 3180 — There are certain matters which need to be discussed by the faculty groups I an therefore asking that you meet in my office at 8330 on Thuraday morning for about an hours , Requirenent of Extracurricular Activities Will you Kindly bring to the faculty meeting on Thuraday scne definite ideas on requirements of extracurricular activities for our — Physical Bdueetioh majors whieh you would like to see incorporated into their program? We heve in mind such activities as observation trips for the seniors, annual physical examinations to be given by the student hospital, attendance at required meetings, and so forthe While no extra eredit could be given for these activities, a penalty would be affixed if the requirements were not met by MAI OPS, The Physical Education staff meeting was held October 19, at 8:50 aeme Members present: Dr. Allen Miss Hoover Mre Allphin Miss Byrn Mre DeGroot Miss Stapleton Mre Raport A corrected course outline of the Physical Education curriculum was Ss submitted to the staff. Dean Schwegler had asked for such a correction for the catalogue as the outline varied in minor details in different cataloguese lir Allphin moved that the revised curriculum outline be accepted. It was second by Mre DeGroote The motion was passed. A committee consisting of Mr. DeGroot, Miss Stapleton and Miss Byrn was appointed to study the situation of rhythmical work for the men Physical Education majorse A report of any other proposed changes in the Physical Education is curriculum is to be submitted by Mr. Elbel and Miss Hoover at a meeting to be held two weeks before the Education Faculty meetinge Each faculty member was asked to submit a course for a Master's in Physical Education to Dr. Allen. A letter from Dean Swarthout concerning the Physical “ducation activit classes for Fine Arts students was read. Those students must have 122 hours to graduate, 2 hours of which may be Physical Educatione Dre Allen suggested that the exact rule governing physical education work in each of the schools of the University be printed in the Physical Education bulletine The Committee on the Display for the Cornhusking Contest was asked to. submit other ideas and to continue work on the projecte j Dre Allen announced that the faculty children were coming for a play period Saturday morning, October 2}. Plans would be made for handling them. Ruth Hoover, Secretary. The Physical Education staff meeting was held October 19, at 8250 acme Members present: Dy. Allen Miss Hoover Mre Allphin Miss Byrn Me DeGroot Miss Stapleton Mire Ra port A corrected course outline of the Physical Education curriculum was submitted to the staff. Dean Schwegler had asked for such a correction for the catalogue as the outline varied in minor details in different cataloguese Mrs Allphin moved that the revised curriculum outline be accepted. It was seconded by Mre DeGroot. ‘The motion was passed. A committee consisting of Mr. DeGroot, Miss Stapleton and Miss Byrn was appointed to study the situation of rhytimic&l work for the men Physical Education ma jorse . A report of any other proposed changes in the Physical Education curriculum is to be submitted by Mr. Elbel and Miss Hoover at a meeting to be held two weeks before the Education Faculty meeting. Each faculty member was asked to submit a course for a Master's in Physical Education to Dr. Allens A letter from Dean Swarthout concerning the Physical “ducation activity classes for Fine Arts students was read. ‘Those students must have 122 hours to graduate, 2 hours of which may be Physical Education. Dre Allen suggested that the exact rule governing vhysical education work in each of the schools of the University be printed in the Physical Education bulletins The Committee on the Display for the Cornhusking Contest was asked to submit other ideas and to continue work on the project. Ruth Hoover, Secretary. SCHOOL “NPayY: Bole The State Telerranrhic Meet af 1925 For Rules see 1934-35 a es NO. Lo SpaLdane's Aviilegic PeUrery\ der ecen Sporis, Pevliscnio Cocoany, ow 7S Please return this blank to your sponsor, Miss Ruth Hoover, on or before Webruary 1, 1935. Wo entries shell wc accepted after that dates Sehoo.l em Total Fnrollment of Yomen Representative ih caress Certificasus of ontny Wé shell enter a team of not more than 15 members in the State Telesranhic Swimmine Meet to be hela @urins the month of Verch, 1935-6 Sisne | Svitiian: Lie orucvor Certiz ication of Bool Leneth rie 15 oO Gertit: ones the oa UOOw 1a Vein ne meet is to be held has been measured by me with a steel tape at the water's edse and measures cmactly feet o:6 inches, and that whe Goleof? ledociis in ¢ Vernenticpeew Tine With the end. of the vool ot the water's edte. Sicned PiasEneer = SUurveror Dntronce Fee ; Fuclosed is the 31.00 “"ntrance Fee. SCHOOL 7-WTRY BLANC fhe Siete Telecrasnie Wéeet. of 195 For Rules s@e Jog¢-o5 “Voverezorts” To. 125R Soaldine*s. Aghtetic Dheeer ex pote Pru lianic onaae, Nev yo in? ie geease tTevurn this blank.%o vour sponsor, Miss Ruth Hoover, on or before eres 1; 1935. No. entries shell uc accented after that dates Senoo. ote L- Pnrotiment: of: ormen Representative Acaress Certifiesnse of ~nery Te sholl enter a team of not more than 15 members in the State “ Téelesranhic Swimmins Meet, to be nel@ Curin= the month of Merch, 1935. Sisned Svan Ins prucvoer Certificat 200 OF Pool Lowe ih Pos is or eertife gees. the pool 4n Vea vas meet is to be nel¢ has been measured by me with a steel tape at the water's edse and measures emactly feet cm laches, ; : er ee ee and thet whe ayy «lo. aes leds £8 4 ¢. “ersendliontar Laine with the end. of the pool st the water's ede. ya ed Mysineer = Surveror Batreance Fee : Pnelosed is the 31.00 “ntrance Fee. October 20, 198%. Reoreation, Marecter of Maysioal Sdueatian end | -Vareity lasketball Conche : Very sincerely voure, ii af Deas Mise Noover and De, Elbels UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS . LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION October 25, 1939 Dr. F. C. Allen, Director, Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basket Ball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Dr. Allen; Last summer, while visiting in Chicago, a graduate of our Department asked me if there would be any courses leading to a Master's degree, offered in the summer session this year. She is going back into teaching and is interested in having the newer trends in physical education activities, While visiting in Kansas City last spring with the senior majors, this same request was voiced by both elementary classroom teachers and high school physical education teachers. A number of teachers, now in service, did not have an opportunity to play or learn how to teach certain activities while they were students. They are now needing and asking for help. In talking with Miss Hoover the following three courses, which at present do not offer graduate credit, are the ones that we both feel would help meet the needs of those teachers, Will it be possible to offer these courses in the summer session to satisfy such a need? 1. Personal Hygiene - (Taking up the subject from both the individual's approach, both to himself and as a member of society). Possibly Personal Hygiene might be included as a senior-graduate course, when the re- vision of courses is made for those seeking a Master's degree, 2. Theory and Practice of Individual and Dual Sports (Covering such activities as archery, badminton, shuffleboard, and darts. This is the material in- eluded in 33W during the regular session.) 35 Elementary School Playground Activities Very sincerely, fo C. dept October 25, 195%. Dre Ee Be Elbel, Department.of Physical Educations . Dear Eddies : The enclosed comuutieation fron Dre Moore ee ee I have digested the contents, ond em passing it on to you for your ine formation. There is just one thing timt bothers me « and that is in regard to the fire extinguisher. I am not yet sure whether wo could take one fran the gymmesium or note Howover, I an calling Dre lcore on this pointe There wore two “Official Car” stickers on» closed, ome of wrich I am retaining for my car and the other one for you to use on your cars Very sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education and Recreation, | FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache Department of Physical Education October 26, 1939. Dear Faculty Member: The first recreation class for the children of faculty members was held last Saturday morning in the gymnasiun, and we trust that each and everyone of them enjoyed the hour of play. Beginning next Saturday the hour for this play will be from 9 to 10 o'clock. Before the children begin participation in the various activities that will comprise the year's program, we request that they have a thorough physical examination by a physician, This examination should inciude the vital organs and the other usual features of an examination preparatory to participation in vigorous activities, This is a safety measure required of all students participating in physical education activities in the University, and we feel it ad» visable to request the same of these children, Will you kindly have your children bring a signed statcoment from the doctor tha t the examination has been completed when they come to class next Saturday morning? As a hygienic and health measure we are also asking each child to wear a gymnasium suit on Saturday mor nNingse Our faculty committee (coaposed of Miss Byrn, Mre Raport and Mr. DeGroot) feel that it would be advisable at this time to limit tho age group of the children to 8 to 15 ycearse , We will welcome any suggestions you may wish to offer concerning the program for these childron, and assure you of our desire to cooperate wholechcartedlye Very sinccrely yours, eee x me , \ ne I, ! ae Nha ? comms ee e Director of — Bducoation and Rocreation, Varsity Basketball Couche Doves 02 Tyetval Tduowti ete Denye ties Ayes T xucotiwed tite momiin: the felons note fren Ure Ligton, the night wetolamn: Shin Shen Ships’ tak salto of ene Ne'et Ons Bie ceming 08 vm 1 one ts 8 OD Be Riyeator of Eduontion end POA salt warty “eto Cone nomen Oetober 26, 19596 aie chen tae ee UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS | LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION October Sli» 1939. Dre Forrest C. Allen, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Some time ago you asked the members of the Physical Education staff to suggest extracurricular activities which might be required of physical education majors. No doubt most of our physical education majors already carry a heavy extracurricular activity load. But I believe that any activities which would better prepare them for their future jobs in the field of physical education might justifiably be added to their program. Activities which do not have a direct bearing on their professional training should not be considered. The following points seem to be of sufficient importance to be required: (1) I have found that the present group of men practice teachers are inadequately prepared in the field of rhythmics. National physical education authorities agree that a physical education program which does not include rhythmics is inadequate. Therefore, I believe that rhythmics should be included in our required courses for physical education majorse If folk dancing is not included in the above courses, I believe that attendance at the folk dancing session would be a reasonable requirement for at least one year during the four year course, (2) Every physical education major should be required to pass a swimming test (of minimum stendards, at least) before graduation. If the student did not learn to swim in 31M or 33M, he would be obliged to repeat those courses, or enroll in other swimming skill courses until he learned to swime I personally believe that every physical education major should pass the American Red Cross senior life saving test before graduation, al- though this requirement might seem a bit too rigid. (3) Every physical education major should be required to referee satisfactorily a minimum number of touch football, basketball, softball and volleyball games and serve as a track official and a field event official during his four year courseée (4) Most of the men physical education majors are varsity athletese But to insure that a major in the department ob= — tain first hand experience in, knowledge of, a competitive season and the practice and we methods involved therein, I believe every major should remain on at least one varsity athletic. squad during an entire season. If aman is dropped from a squad, he should try another varsity sport or try to make the same ore another yeare (5) All physical education majors should attend lectures or speeches by outstanding leaders in the field of physical education, when such leaders appear on the campuse Yours sincerely, PLM Mack pr Be Be DeGroot, JPe hanover ane of you desire to use it. 1 s SS the wrapooter io emataliay toh t= She Nowemnber 7, 19806 Itigs Ruth Hoover, Mirae Josepiiine Samat. Dear PrLendss | _ial you, vary mach foe your lniness sn acca Sinearely yours, Hewasivor FT, LOG0— sepsis BCA gal? Novenber 7, 19806 i & letter fro Irs Mabel of Rcd dh vw’ + sap Aye eee "te eaentan ane work being would ae this? y would b three YORRs I have reo lao, of the Univers! ui! : Hall vi Ht Le fie Nae a. dag Hit UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. Lawrence November 9, 1939 TO CHAIRMEN AND HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS: In planning the class schedule for your department for the spring semester you are requested to schedule at least one-third of your regular lecture and recitation classes for afternoon hours. You will recall that the Senate has adopted a recommendation to this effect. During the current semester the congestion during the morning hours is doubtless the worst on record. This request is made in an effort to relieve that condition. Every available three- hour classroom is now in use at 9330 and 10:30. Only a few second or third choice rooms are free at 8:30, 11:30, or 1:30. At 2:30, however, most rooms are not in use, and at 3:30 they are generally free. Some fear may be felt that 2:30 and 3:30 classes will not fill. It is suggested that this problem will not materialize if re- quired junior~senior courses are scheduled more generally in the afternoon. Several departments have tried this with satisfactory results. Cooperation of all departments on this important problem is earnestly requested. I feel that the scheduling of more afternoon classes will give much needed relief from the present overcrowding of morning hours and, in addition, will offer some possibility of assignment of ndditional office space. Sincerely yours, RAYMOND NICHOLS, Chairman, Committee on Assignment of Quarters. RR ae oe : a 4 PLEASE READ IN ALL SKILL CLASSES Bquitation 47a. will be offered next quarter, beginning November 20 and 21. Students my transfor to this course even for the second half semester. Friday, November 17, in the Physical Education office, 105 Robinson Gymmasiums ‘The classes are limited in mmber, but students already enrolled in sli1l courses will have preference Hours for these Classes are 11200 mene, 2:45 peme, 3245 Pete and 4:46 pete = MT WT. x Two hours per wool: Only cost = 50f per full hour of riding No special clothes required November 10, 1939s fo Menbers of the Physical Edusation Faoultys Will each of you iindymke anmounsments in each of your Physical Education classes early next week in regard to the elenentary course in Iquitatione As you imow, this is on the some lnsis as our other activity or sidll courses, and those students who have boon enrolled in a sili course for the first half of this senester my enroll in Equitation, if they so desire, to secure credit for & semester of physical activity. For more infomation on the Equitehion course the students my see lr. DeGroot, o eal) at this of fice. We have sent to each mijor in the departaent a notice Student Hospital ty November 24. May I ask your kindly cooperation in urging the mjors to take care of this at ance? November 14, 1939. Miss Ruth Hoover, Department of Physical Educatione Dear Miss Hoovers | I aglmowledge receipt of your favor of the 14th instant, and am taking up the matter of unpalatable drink ing water with lt, Bayles at onces if Mr. Bayles feels that he can do nothing about it, i assure you that we will. Thanking you for calling our attention to this matter, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOAsAll Varsity Basketball Coathe different times during the would enecurage avsh use of tks Tomalicer a0 thet it might scsheek GE tag Uae ctane motes < am convinced if you try it out consistently you will be a most = Sania po ly