SCHOOL “NPayY: Bole The State Telerranrhic Meet af 1925 For Rules see 1934-35 a es NO. Lo SpaLdane's Aviilegic PeUrery\ der ecen Sporis, Pevliscnio Cocoany, ow 7S Please return this blank to your sponsor, Miss Ruth Hoover, on or before Webruary 1, 1935. Wo entries shell wc accepted after that dates Sehoo.l em Total Fnrollment of Yomen Representative ih caress Certificasus of ontny Wé shell enter a team of not more than 15 members in the State Telesranhic Swimmine Meet to be hela @urins the month of Verch, 1935-6 Sisne | Svitiian: Lie orucvor Certiz ication of Bool Leneth rie 15 oO Gertit: ones the oa UOOw 1a Vein ne meet is to be held has been measured by me with a steel tape at the water's edse and measures cmactly feet o:6 inches, and that whe Goleof? ledociis in ¢ Vernenticpeew Tine With the end. of the vool ot the water's edte. Sicned PiasEneer = SUurveror Dntronce Fee ; Fuclosed is the 31.00 “"ntrance Fee.