November 10, 1939s fo Menbers of the Physical Edusation Faoultys Will each of you iindymke anmounsments in each of your Physical Education classes early next week in regard to the elenentary course in Iquitatione As you imow, this is on the some lnsis as our other activity or sidll courses, and those students who have boon enrolled in a sili course for the first half of this senester my enroll in Equitation, if they so desire, to secure credit for & semester of physical activity. For more infomation on the Equitehion course the students my see lr. DeGroot, o eal) at this of fice. We have sent to each mijor in the departaent a notice Student Hospital ty November 24. May I ask your kindly cooperation in urging the mjors to take care of this at ance?