The KY. Alumni Office PERSONAL MESSAGE , Dre F. Ce Allen 105 Robinson Campus March 17, 1939 Dear Phog: 3 Your idea of a dressing room for faculty members is swell. Congratulations and thanks. I would like to join a volley ball team if it can be arranged at a time when I can attend. oil a Ni : ‘ ecretary FB /mw ALUMNI ASSOCIATION UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS f | EA OES PTT DEPARTIEND OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FACULTY RECREATION = General Announcement. 1. Faculty groups are now being organized to play volleyball, badminton and other sports at regular hours each week. The floor space in the gymnasium will continue to be reserved exclusively for faculty members during these hours as long as a sufficient number of men turn out to warrant the reservation. 2- The hours during which the faculty may have exclusive use of the floor are as follows: Mondays and Wednesdays 23:30 to 4:30 pem. Wednesdays and Fridays 5300 to 6:00 peme or later. 5e Robinson Gymnasium is obviously inadequate in space to care for the large number of men and women students and faculty who desire to use its facilities. Regular physical education classes, varsity team practices and intramural contests are scheduled in the gymnasium,during most of the year, five days per week, from 8:30 aeme to as late as 11:00 pem.i You may appreciate the ditficulty of obtaining floor space at hours that are convenient for all those interestedi 4. Hvening or Saturday afternoon recreational groups may be organized if enough men so desire. oe Faculty members are welcome to join the regularly scheduled instructional classes iff the various sports and games. A schedule of these classes appears at the right of this announcement. 6. The handball courts are available during most of the day. See the handball notice on the reverse side of this board. 7. Equipment may be obtained by any faculty member at the towel room windowe | no gees may be obtained by purchasing a towel card in the business office. : 2 9 The Physical Education Department is here to serve you.e Do not s hesitate to call on us. Ahy suggestions you may have to further the promotion of physical recreation among the faculty members will be i appreciated. Please communicate with Burt DeGroot, Koom 207, Robinson Gymnaziume , 10. Horseback riding, indiviaually or in groups, may be arranged for faculty members at the Mott Stabies, west of the campus, or by contacting Burt DeGroot. Mr. Mott has a string of excellent horses which he rents for the very reasonable rate of 50¢ per hour. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FACULTY RECREATION Swimming Notice At the present time, the swimming pool is open to all mens students and faculty, during the following hours: Monday 4:30 to 6:00 Tuesday 4:30 to 6:00 Wednesday “4:30 to 6:00 Thursday 2330 to 6:00 Friday 43:30 to 6:00 Saturday 2330 to 5:50 If enough faculty members are interested in swimming, for either recreation or instruction, the pool may be reserved for the exclusive use of faculty members at the times stated below. If you are interested in such an arrangement, please sign your name under the hour that would best suit your schedule. (The large number of ments and women's classes and groups served by our one small pool prevents the possibility of reserving the pool at more frequent or more convenient hours/)«: Thursdays — Thursdays 2:30 . 3330 Monday Tuesday | Wednesday Thursday Friday 12:30-1:20 12330-1320 12330-1320 12230-1220 12830-1820 © SUGATION PACTLI'Ys , This is to renind you of the mosting for Freshmen in the School of Biuoation (uysionl Sduoction) on Uanday morning, Septetber 18, at 9150 otelock in Make mil, Denn Soimedler ond Dry Allen will make short talks, and Dry Allen will iuttvoducs the methare of the faculty, You will not be expected to mike © speech unless you have emething of special interest to say to t he freshman. Sincerely, TO THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION PACULTYs I notice that mny boys exercive or go through the nls of the gumsiu clad in only o mir of Thie vuilding is used uy both men and wren, «TE would appreciate 4t 4 each on of you POAsAH UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence Department of Physical Education September 23, 1939. TO THE MEN OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY: i Welcome, faculty men, to Robinson Gymnasium where you have a& new, spacious, well-lighted and freshly-painted private dressing roam with private built-in shower bathd For the first time since Robinson Gymnasiun was built, thirty-three years ago, the faculty have a place to shower in private. There will be enough lockers in this room for everyvonee All that is necessary to gain entrance is for you to have a duplicate key to the door of the room. The charge for this key is 25¢, and one may be obtained at my office. I trust that many of you will avail yourselves of this opportunity to use the gymnasium and play facilities. We will organize some classes or teams in individual or group games, if you are interested. Let us know if you would like to join such & groupe Mre Ee Be DeGroot, a graduate of Stanford University, who has just returned from two years of teaching in Hawaii, is a new member of our Physical Education faculty, and he will be happy to cone» duct classes in badminton, volley ball, swimming, serial darts, or any activity of your choice. Please communicate with him or with this office and express your preference for games or activities. Very sincerely yours, Donde A Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coaches UNIVERSLLY OF KANSAS Lawrence Department of Physical Education March 10, 1939. ———— —_— TO THE MEN OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY: Through the kirdaces of Mr. Co Gs Bayles, Super- intendent of Buiudings und Grounds, a dressing room is boing built in tho besomont of Robinsor. Gymnusium Yor the use of the mon on the Univorsity faculty, This is tho first time that this much» nooded facility hes been provided for the faculty, and I am sure that it will be greatly approtiated, There will be cnough lockcors for everyone who desires once All you will nocd to provide is a lock for your locker, and a duplicate key to tho door of the room for yourself. The charge for this kov will provabiy be 252. I trust that many of you will avail yoursolves of this oppertunity t: uso the gymmesium faciliticse We are hoping to organize some classes or toans in volley ball if cnough are interested. Lot us lmow if you would like to join such o groupe There will be an announconent in the University Daily Kansan when the dressing room is complcted and ready for your usce Very sincerely yours, CS on tn Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 17 march 1939 Forrest C Allen Director of Physical Education Deer lr Allen: I have recently regeived the letter in which you announced the building of a dressing room for the use of the men of the faculty, and mentioned the possiblility of some classes in volley=ball, I have never played volley—ball, but would like to obtain some exercise : I suppose that you may find others in the same predicament. If so , I should be glad to join a class of novices, Very truly yo ™ 3 a CSD W D Paden THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE Department of Romance Languages and Literatures March 24, 1939 ‘ir. Forrest C. Allen, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: The prospect of gymnasium facilities and some organized volley ball interests me very much. I should be delighted to join a eroup, if, of course, the schedule of hours, etc., fits in with my daily affairs. Very sincerely yours, (JADhe