f | EA OES PTT DEPARTIEND OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FACULTY RECREATION = General Announcement. 1. Faculty groups are now being organized to play volleyball, badminton and other sports at regular hours each week. The floor space in the gymnasium will continue to be reserved exclusively for faculty members during these hours as long as a sufficient number of men turn out to warrant the reservation. 2- The hours during which the faculty may have exclusive use of the floor are as follows: Mondays and Wednesdays 23:30 to 4:30 pem. Wednesdays and Fridays 5300 to 6:00 peme or later. 5e Robinson Gymnasium is obviously inadequate in space to care for the large number of men and women students and faculty who desire to use its facilities. Regular physical education classes, varsity team practices and intramural contests are scheduled in the gymnasium,during most of the year, five days per week, from 8:30 aeme to as late as 11:00 pem.i You may appreciate the ditficulty of obtaining floor space at hours that are convenient for all those interestedi 4. Hvening or Saturday afternoon recreational groups may be organized if enough men so desire. oe Faculty members are welcome to join the regularly scheduled instructional classes iff the various sports and games. A schedule of these classes appears at the right of this announcement. 6. The handball courts are available during most of the day. See the handball notice on the reverse side of this board. 7. Equipment may be obtained by any faculty member at the towel room windowe | no gees may be obtained by purchasing a towel card in the business office. : 2 9 The Physical Education Department is here to serve you.e Do not s hesitate to call on us. Ahy suggestions you may have to further the promotion of physical recreation among the faculty members will be i appreciated. Please communicate with Burt DeGroot, Koom 207, Robinson Gymnaziume , 10. Horseback riding, indiviaually or in groups, may be arranged for faculty members at the Mott Stabies, west of the campus, or by contacting Burt DeGroot. Mr. Mott has a string of excellent horses which he rents for the very reasonable rate of 50ยข per hour.