GRADUATE STUDY IN THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING PHYSICAL EDUCATION at the University of Kansas For those taking e master's degree in the theory and practice of teaching physical education, the same requirements hold as for any such degree in Theory and Practice of Teaching: qd. v. The following courses are considered as core offerings, but each student is expected, with the aid of his advisers, to choose courses which are best adapted to his own needs. cm escent BiacnCaA st Rida cana atest Course Hours Title f. / un ae / Core Courses in Education / Y. SA /) A M165 5 Theory and Practice of Teaching bs P278 5 Adolescence Chk Meo4 5 Content and Methods of Physical Education oe M240~-M340 3 Modern Teaching Procedures fae M399 e-8 Research in the Theory and Practice of Teaching Nae Core Courses in Physical Education ‘ 100 3 Principles of Community Recreation iG 5 Tests and Measurements in Physical Education 202 S Administration of Physical Education 500 R-4 Special Problems in Physical Education 512 bs) Seminary in Physical Education a ao Sa. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING e ALN é PHYSICAL EDUCATION ; pe Lic od Dr. Bayles, and Dr. Allen, Me: Dr. Elbel, or Miss Hoover ( Lt“ ‘ d a ‘4 C a A Le ae