ote Table tennis is played by either two players or four pleyers. .Standard equip- ment consists of the table, net, ball, and racquet. The official table has a playing surface nine feet long and five feot wide painted a dull, dark green, with a white line not less than 3/8 of an inch wide running through the center. The official celluloid ping-pong ball is used, The standard-size racquet is one with a 5 by és inch blade and a 5g inch handle. The surface of the racquet may be constructed of almost eny kind of matcrial. The players follow the table tennis rules. Additional activities that I might suggest are deck tennis and archery. In desk tennis an inflated rubber ring of rope quoit may be used. The singles court is 12 feet wide and 40 feet long, and in the center running parallel with the end lines is placed a four-foot cight-inch high net. If you wish to include more students at one time, you may play on a volley ball court and use volley ball rules, Archery is a sport that is remedial and healthful and can be adapted to almost any available space indoors or outdoors, Because it is principally an out-of-doors sport, it is considered a particularly wholesome form of exercise. Archery is a sport that can be nicely worked into a corrective program. It is inexpensive, and equipment may be purchased very reasonably from many comercial firms, or the manual training department can make archery equipment one of its' yearly projects. You will find that recreative equipment will be used by clubs for tcurnaments or can be issued for supervised play during noon hour. Teachers may even form exercise clubs, and it will be used for parties where you are using a progressive-play type of program, Recreative sports give students interesting and inexpensive ways to spend their leisure time. It should answer many problems in mixed classes, boyd and girls, or in small towns where the size of the group is not large enough to organize team sports, Because of the increusing number of free hours, physical education directors are faced with the problem of finding wholesome activities that can be used to fill in the average individual's leisure time, Your problem as a director of physical education is to find a place in your pro- gram to give to vour students as many practical experiences as possible in recreative activities’so that you will be assured of continued participation, OR IK 1K A An Enlarged Organization for Health and Physical Education The amalgamation of the American Physical Education Association and the Depart- ment of School Health and Physical Education of the National Education Association has finally been accomplished. These two organizations have become the American Association for Health and Physical Education--A Department of the National Education Association. The reorganization carried over the larger part of the organization of the ‘Amer- ican Physical Education Association, with some changes and additions. The officers elected by the A.P.E.A. at the New York mecting were continued,as were the Governing Board and the Legislative Council, Three divisions were added, the Division of Health Education, the Division of Physical Education and the Division of Recreation. The new Association will continue to publish the Journal of Health and Physical Education and The Research Quarterly, and will carry on the work in physical educa- tion that was done in the past by the American Physical Education Association, The merging with the National Education Association effects the Association most favorably. No limiting restrictions have been imposed. The same state, dis- trict, and national organizations and meetings will be continued and expanded to include health education and recreation in each constituent organization of the As- sociation. In addition, the organized forces of the National Education Association will be at the service of the American Association for Health and Physical Education in every way possible, The Kansas Health and Physical Educaticn Asscciation should take steps to en- large its organization to include all of these groups in comformity to the National policy.