STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION Austin, Texas. Physical Education Teachers: Physical education is now required by law to be taught in all public elementary and secondary sthoois of thse state. The forty-second legis- lature included in the appropriation bill for the State Department of Education an item for a Director of Physical Méucation, The director is now making stremuous efforts to secure the incorporation of a definite program of Health and Physical Education in all the schools of the state, Preliminary minimm standards in Health and Physical Education have been issued and may be found in bulletin #290 of the State Departmnt of Educ- ation. Definite suggestions as to programs have been issued in bulletins 275 and 289, Inelosed you will find a statemont of our proposed aims and object~ ives in Health and Physical BNducaticn as well as a list of dcefinito things which each school is boing asked to do, One of the most serious handicaps to the development of a well-balanced program of Hoalth and Physical Education is the lack of proporly trainod tcachors, It is in tho sol- ution of this problem that we aro asking the assistance of the toacher training institutions of the state togothor with their steff of Physical Education teachors, The schools of tho stato, both elementary and high school, particularly noed classroom teachors who are ablo to organize and exccute a program based on the following activitics: team games; individual athletic events; low organized games; sports; stunts; rhythmic activitios; gymnastic exercises; health instruction; and daily inspection of pupils, The following courses are considered important in tho proper prep- aration of teachers of health and physical education and are suggested for your consideration: Ae General courses «= Administration of Physical Education (3 scmestcr hours) Administretion of School Health Programs (3 semester hours) Applied Anatomy (Kinesiology) (3 somester hours) f£pplicd Physiology (Physiology of exorcise) (3 semester hours) Principles of Health Education (3 semestor hours) Principles of Physical Education (3 sorester hours) Supervision of Physical Education (2 somestor hours) Tosts and Mcasuremonts in Physical Education (2 scenester hours) Be Courses in Activity and Technique of Teaching -= le Ganes of low organization with emphasis on the basis of selection and teaching technique (2 somestor hours) 2. Gymnastic exorcises. (3 semostor hours) = Apparatus Froe exercises Marching (rhythm, posture, response to command) Pyramid building Stunts (selection on basis of individual needs and prog- ression) Tumbling 3, Rhythmical Activities (2 semester hours) -- Clog, folk, ond natural dancing 4, Sclf-defense activities (one semestor hour) -~ Wrestling and boxing a.