- @ & 5. Sports (6 semester hours) - Football Soccer Baseball Speedball Basketball Tennis Golf Volleyball Handball Track and ficld ovents Playground ball Horseshoe pitching C, Courses in the Teaching of Physical 4ctivitics and in Toaching Health (3 semester hours cach) - It is our plan to accredit the high school course in Health and Physical Education just as soon as is practicable. We propose to have definite stan- dards and requiremonts in regard to the following: time allotmont; progran content; facilities and equipment; physical examination; gymnasium; shower facilities; training and certification of teachers; and examination of pupils. In regard to the training of teachers it is our plan to propose tho following standards: a major in Health and Physical Education with at least 30 sexester hours credit for the full-time teacher; a minor in Health and Physical Educ- ation with at loast 18 semester hours credit for the part-time teachor; and a minimum of 12 semester hours in Health and Physical Education for the regular high school classroom toachcr who teaches any part of the progran, The teachor in the elonentary grades -shouid have preparation and training on the same basis as the high school teachor, Only the larger schools will be ablo to employ a full-time teacher in cithar the grades or high school, and consequently tho major emphasis should be on the thaining of the part-tino and regular classroom teachcr, The general preliminary plan is to announce the standards required for high school credit in Health and Physical Education and for the first year adopt the policy of approving and publishing the list of schools moeting these stan- dards; thon, allow the schools on the approved lists to grant one credit in Health and Physical Education for the four year progran, Too many of our present force of teachers have had no training in Health and Physical Education or they have beon trained to coach only the major sports. We consider athlotics a very vital part of a physical cducation progran, but we do not believe that athletics should constitute the whole program, We sol- icit your active cooperation in the matter of adequate preparation of toachers for this important phase of our school work, Suggestions in regard to a prograr of teacher training and preparation aro especially desired from those who aro engaged in the preparation of teachers for the public schools of Texas, Yours truly, (Signed) R. N, Sandlin, Director, RNS: le Health and Physical Education P.S.: Despite the fact that suggested courses havo been listed above, it is evident that some more definite placonont of thoso courses should bo. made. For example, a course in Ganics of Low Organization should be de- signated as a course for prospective teachers of the elementary grades or for high school teachors because the garps taught as well os the teaching methods to be learned would be ontirely different in each case, The seme thing would be true of rhythmic activities, gyrmostic activities, etc, Under this latter arrangement, a teacher would be dofinitely pre- pared to teach a certain grade lovel by having the proper subjcct matter as well as the appropriate procedure. Your suggestions will be sincerely appreciated, R, Ns &,