STANDARD I. Time Allotment. i. Be Se 4, Se A minimm of 120 minutes per week, per child, is required in all high schools. One-fourth of the total time (or at least 30 minutes per week per child) shail be devoted to definite health instruction based upon a course of study approved by the State Department of Education, The period devoted to health instruction is not a physical activity period, but it should be a health instrct- ion period, and as such is, or may be if so desired, a part of the total time devoted to the physical and health education program, In any case, it must be definitely fixed and follow- ed according to sckedute, It is recommended thot, wherever possible, a daily period of at least 45 mimates in longth toe devoted to the physical © and health education progrem with three to four periods devoted to instruction in physical education activities and one to two periods devoted to specific health instruction. The physical ond health education veriods mist be at least 30 minutes in length. Before school, recess, noon, or after school periods ave aot generally considered or used as regular instructional paviods, bus they arc usually free play or labor- atory periods during which pupils play indepondent of any re- gular schedulc, even though: they may be supervised. These periods may not be counted as instructional periods un- less the school day is definitely lengthonod or so arranged as to include thom os regular class periods, The intorpretation of the time allotment is that a minimum of three reguler class poriods per week per child are expected. It is rocommonded, but not roquirod, that opportunity for additional participation and play be provided cither during or after school hours in which pupils may play for the sake of individual onjoyment and recreation and may put into prac- tice the instruction they receive during tho reguler class period, STANDARD II, Preparation and Training of Toachors, i. For the school year 1932-1933 part-time teachers of physical and health education mst have a minimm of six somester hours college credit in this field. Boginning with the school year 1934-1935 the part-time teacher must have twelve semester hours credit in physical ond health education, and beginning with the school year 1935-1936 part-time teachers mist have eighteen semesters college credit. All teachers of physical education mist hold a special certificate in this subject by 1935-1936, In schools of such size and organization that each teacher must take charge of a group of pupils at the physical educ- ation period, such teachers would not be classed as part-time teachers. In such cases, however, the teacher who is respon~ sible for any part of tho physical education program mst have at least six semester hours crodit in physical and health education. Required activity or non=credit college courses do not count in determining this qualification. In such schools where each teacher has a part in teaching tne ontire program, only one-half credit will be allowed that school, This is in line with the general classification and accrediting standards and procedure of the State Department of Education,