Ze ~ 3 = For the school yoar 1932-1933 tho full-time or special teachor of physical and health education mst have a min- imum of cightcen semester hours college crodit in this field; for the schcol year 1934-1935 the full-time or special teacher mst havo twonty-four semester hours college credit; and beginning with the school ycar 1935=1936 the full-time or special teacher must have thirty semester hours college credit in physical and health cducation. (City supervisors must mect the samo requirements cach year as are required of the full~tinc teacher). Of this total, at loast twelve semester hours should bo in activity and the technique of teashing, six semester hours in the major sports, six sem- ester hours in health education, and six semester hours in the principles and administration of physical and health education, A person who coaches the major sports and teachos other physical oducation avtivities as a full-time load will be classed as a full-tinc teacher of puysical education. A person who has no ctner teaching duties than that of coach- ing the major sports will. bo classed as a part-time teacher of physical. cfucation ang must havo the required number of semester hours tv.ining in physical. and health education, Athletic coachus use considered as teachors of physical education and ust comply with the part-time or full-time requiroments in regard to training. A person who coaches athletics an@ toaches in tho academic field will be classed as a part-tine teacher of physical oducation, provided he does not teach also other classes in physical education, in which case he must moet the requironents for a full-time teacher of physical and health education, In all cases the boys must be taught by a man and the girls must be taught by a woman, The requirements as to the number of scenester hours training apply to both men and woren.e STANDARD III. Equipment, Facilities, and Supplies. le ee Each school mist have oithor a gymmasium or some suitable in- door playroom. (This standard mey be temporarily waived at the discretion of the State Director under conditions which are impossible to remecy in a reasonable length of tine). A gymnasium or indoor playroom is considered necessary in order that: (1) the whole program may be centralized; (2) the physical cducation classes may be conducted without interruption during inclement weather and the health of both the pupils and the teachor may be properly protected; (3) elements of a good physical education program that cannot be offered outdoors may be given the pupils, thus allowing a rmch broader and richar progran to be offered, Sufficient lockers and locker room space must be provided for the safe-kceping of gyrmasium suits, chothing, towels, and to provide sanitary and adequate dressing space for the largest classes or groups. It is generally agreed that the total for the above, including shower space, should be at loast ten square feet per person for boys and slightly more than that amount for girls. Sufficicont space and wire baskets for each pupil will be satisfactory as lockers and locker space. Until the present economic crisis passes and our progran gots under way, it will be necessary to judge each school on an individual basis to determine if nininun provisions are being made,