Se 4. Se «oie Adequate rooms and showers to accormodate the largest classes or groups in approximately ten nimtes tine for taking showors and dressing aro required, For the boys, thore should be a shower head for cach five to eight members of a group, and for tho girls, thore should be a shower head for each four to six mombers of a class. Since adequate play space is necessary for the propor conduct of a progran of physical education, each school should provide ample playground room with the propor armunt of space allotted to cach of the following: basketball; tennis; volleyball; football; playground baseball: running track; jumping pits and other track activities. The smallest high schools, accord~ ing to nost authoritics, should have at least four acres play space and high schools of an onrollnment of four hundred or more should havo cight or ten acres, It is strongly recommended and urged that all high school pupils have a change of clothing for the physical education period, The pupiis will feel more confortable and at ease and mich more and bottor vork can be accomplished, Each school is expected to heve the following sorts of supplies and equipnont in survficiont quantitics to adequately meet the needs of tho enro*imens of that school, (This equipment should be furnished. on the same basis as library, laboratory, or other school cquipmont) Q #$Physical education supplies such as balls, bats, nots, ropes, and other necessary equipment in sufficient quantities for groups of not more than thirty pupils each, be