Se 4e De ’ 6 « ee Individual and combination stunts. These are re- commended but are not required. f. Some fommal work, such as marching, calisthenics, gymmastics, and apparatus work, (This type of ac- tivity is rapidly disappearing). ge Rhy>hmic activities (for girls) such as: folk, clog, und tap dancing. he Relay xaces: a great variety of such races may be found “ich are especicliy suitable for girls. It is nct to be understood that each of the above mentioned types of activities is to be given in each grade, Properly trained teachers should be able to choose suitable activities for each grade, Separate types of activities suitabie for boys and girls will be outlined in the course of study which is being planned for the near future, Regular periods for physical and hoalth education must be placed on the daily schedule ond program of the school as well as that of the pupil, After school activity periods, with voluntary participation. are considored as extra-curricular activity periods and not as instructional periods, except in so far as thoy may bo the practice periods which might logically follow the instructional or reguler class poriods. Boys or girls who participate in the major sports mst enroll in tho other regular physical education classes immediately upon tho close of the soason for a particular sport. (In many cascs it will be found highly desireable and profitable to have them onrolled in the regular physical education classes even during the season of a major sport). Under no circum stances mist a pupil be allowed to participate in a major sport for his full program of physical cducation throughout the ycoar. Major sports constitute a part, and a vory vitol part, of the program, but a program of mijor sports alone is not a complete program of physical education. Each pupil should be givon credit in physical and hoalth oduc- ation to the extont of one-fourth unit por year for your years, such unit to be dependent upon the successful completion of the program roquiremonts of the local school, which should be sufficiont to moot the minimum standards herein stated. STANDARD VI. Stondords for Elementary Grades. Schools askimg for recognition ond credit for their high school pro=- grams mist also have satisfactory programs in the clomontary grades of the samo system. A woll planned and oxccuted program in the elom- entary grades is considered nocesscry in all schools and the follow- ing standards mst be mot bofore the high school program can be re=- cognizeod: le Ze. A minimum time allotmont of 150 minutes per week por child givon in not less than one period of instruction daily for each child, Each classroom toachor who has charge of a group of pupils ct the physical oducation period mst havo at lerst six somestor hours college credit in physical and health ecucction, The ro- quirements for part-time and full-time tenchers are the sam as those stated for the high school toachorse