Se 4 De Physical Education mist be scheduled as a regular subjoct on the pupils’ program (see provisions of tho law) and the instruction period should be in addition to the free play period, after school or eutroa-curriculor activity period, . Tho progran mast include all pupils of the high school as well as the clomentary grades, Those who aro classoc, by rogulor cxamination fostored by tho school, as physically defective or unfit to tako part in stronuous cxcrciso, should bo carod for in corrective classes if a trained teacher is available, Some provision should always bo made for the physically unfit or defectivos. Schools are urged not to accept, without sufficicnt investigation, cer- tificates of excuse issued by family physicians or others merely upon the request of the parent or pupil, Those ex- cuses are often secured without an cxamination of the child nerely because the child thinks he does not want to take physical education, Each school should require a certificate from a licensed physician, health officer, or nurse for tho readmission of pupils to school who have boon absent because of some acute or cormunicable discase, STANDARD Ve. Organization end Administration, le Be Pupils should be classified ond grouped, as far as possible, according to thoir physical abilities, A preliminary class- ification or grouping of pupils for instructional purposes on the basis of physical examination and grade in school has been: found to be very satisfactory. Many schools find that & reclassification within cach class or group according to age, height, and weight is of considerable value, Classif~ ication on tho basis of physical ability, achievement tests or sone other satisfactory tests would be the ideal method, but in the absonce of such tests and the necossary equip ment end properly trained teachers in many instancos, this would probably be impractical in most schools at the present tine. Classification on the basis of grade level may be casily accomplished in the avoroge school, if the school will allow each pupil to schedule his physical cducation first. A pupil may be as easily scheduled for physical educ- ation first as for algebra or any other academic subject, and this should be done when it is known that there will be only one section of physical oducation for that particular pupil, Instruction should be offored in at loest five of the follow- ing types of classes of activitios which are to be included in the high school program: (No effort has been made to list these in the ordor of their rank or proference). Qe Team Games: football, basketball, baseball, play- ground ball, specdball, soccer, tennis, and other sports, be Swimming - wherever facilities will permit. Ce Low orgenizod games: games suitable for each age and sex may be found properly classified and “~eo ne grouped in any reputable books of gares. de Individual athlotic events: running, jumping, throwing for distance and cccuracy, climbing, chinning, vaulting, hurdling, ctce