Se 4. De 6. - 7 = An indoor playroom is recommended but will not be roquired until 1935, Each pupil mst bo givon a health oxamination by a medical doctor or mirso cat least in oltornate years. It is suggostcd that pupils of the first, third, fifth and seventh grades be examined each your. An annual examination is preforrod and highly recommonéod for the first four grades at loast. Each school must have a daily class in hoalth instruction of at loast fiftcon minvtes in length, such to be counted, if so desired, as a part of the 159 mirutos per week for the whole program, Whoro the school progrom will pormit the ox- tra time, the honlth poriod shouid be in addition to the 150 mimites per week for physical activitys Items 3, 4, 5 and 6 undor STANDAND IV for high schools also apply $s elementary schools in the samo systom,. Adequate play space cs vell as cquipment adequate to mect the needs of the cnroliment will be expected. The genorally acc- epted standard for outdoor play space in the clementary grades is 400 square fest por child, An clomentary school of 500 enrollment should havo at least four acres of froe play space. The ®tate of Michigan has issued the following as tho ossentials of a good physical cducation program, and they are subgittod for your consideration; 1.