PHYSICAL EDUCATION 400 1934 = 35 Approximate Course Content Duration of Unit I Principles and Programs of Physical Education 15 weeks II: Methods in Orgenization and Administration of Physical Activities, e.g, swimming meets, track meets, intramral athletics, ctc. 5 weeks Tit Principles and Programs of Health Education 10 weeks Note: See attached chart for Physical Education 400 laboratory requirement, OTHER SUBJECTS: Education 410 History 310 Biology 390 (Public health and sanitation, bacteriology, immunology, normal diagnosis and care and treatment of common injuries.) (1934-1935) (1936-1937) One other subject. Note: Fifteen weeks of practice teaching mst be completed in the junior or senior year, Pre-requisite: (a) full junior standing, (b) satisfactory completion of activity units in soccer and speedball, tumbling and stunts, and the indoor progrem of physical education,