INFORMATION FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION MAJOR STUDENTS ARE peas se ee os et oem cae 1, At the beginning of the third year each man mst decide and make known to the Registrar at registration time whether or not he elects to follow the course in physical education with a view of teaching in the field upon graduation, 2. If it is elected to teach in the field of physical education each student must satisfy the following requirements: : A Physical Education 300 and 400 Biology 290 and 390 History 310 Education 310 and 410 S. In case it is elected not to follow the field of physical education. upon graduation other courses may be substituted for History 310 and Education 310 and 410, . : 4, Following is the schedule for the third and fourth years: Third Year Required: Biology 290 Physical Education 300 : Education 310 (Provided it is intended to teach physical education.) Elective: ee Economies 320 or Jurisprudence 300 Sociology 200 or English 340 or 420 Business Administration 300 Or any combination of three subjects. Fourth Year Required: Biology 390 Physical Education 400 ot tie (Provided it is intended to teach physical education.) Elective: Psychology 200 English 400 Philanthropy 300 Economics 320 or Jurisprudence 300 Or any combination of three subjects, Se Physical Education 300 and 400 each carry a laboratory requirement of at least six hours a week, Befére a student may receive a degree with a major in physical education he must have successfully passed the number and kind of laboratory units required and in addition suecessfully fulfilled his practice teaching requirements,