| Laboratory Schedule PHYSICAL EDUCATION 100, 200, 300, & 400 (Select one activity for each five weeks period) : Instructor Credit Value 1. First Five Weeks Period Football Kitts and staff 2 Cross Country Brunson 2 Hendball and Volleyball Scott 2 Indoor Progrem of Physical Education Hermance 2 2. Second Five Weeks Period Football Kitts and staff 2 Cross Country Brunson 2 Basketball Kitts 2 Tumbling and Stunts Scott 2 3. Third Five Weeks Period Basketball . Kitts 2 Track (Lecture and Practice) Brunson 2 Speedball and Soccer Hermance 2 Swimming and Life Saving 2 Indoor Program of Physical Education Hermance Bon Tumbling and Stunts Seott 2 4. Fourth Five Weeks Period | Basketball (Varsity & Freshmen) | Kitts 2 Track Brunson 2 Baseball (Lecture and Practice) Dyer 2 Handball and Volleyball Scott 2 Boxing and Wrestling 2 5. Fifth Five Weeks Period Football (Lecture & Practice) Kitts 2 Track Brunson 2 Swimming and Life Saving 2 Tumbling and Stunts ' Seott 2 6, Sixth Five Weeks Period Track Brunson 2 Baseball : Kitts 2 Basketball (Lecture & Practice) Kitts 2 Golf 2 Tennis 2 Fencing 2 Note: No attempt is made to segregate students as to classes in school, t Freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors may be included in an activity unit. ; Mla il achalasia i