Dr. Forrest C. Allen Page 5, May 3, 1937 me oO It took Yost two or three years to do it, but I feel that he sees it. People feel that the 91d coach has lost his interest in the competitive program, I am perfectly positive that-is not true, He is just as much interested in the competitive program as he ever was, but he has developed just as much of an interest in the other parts of a well-rounded program, so he is unable to give as much time to the purely competitive program as he used to, The old fellow, I think, has a wonderfully healthy viewpoint and is making, and will continue to make, a contribution to physical education at the University of Michigan. The sad part of it is that the people in the School of Education are afraid of his ability and influence, and have kept him pretty well hog-tied. If they would make him the head of the Department of Physical Education and let him run it, it wouldn't be long until he would have a department there that would be second to none, However, Dean Edmunds is either afraid or jealous of the old boy's ability and keeps the thing under a young fellow by the name of Sharman, who is just as dissatisfied as he can be because of the progress he covld make and should make if Yost were directing his efforts. I am positive that no one will be telling you what to do, at least not preemptorily, and once you make up your mind what you want to do in the field of physical education, you will go forward as Yost has done and make s real contribution to the field. With personal regards, I am Sincerely yours ae TAR! McG Floyd A. Rowe